Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Because I'm lacking sleep and because I can, I'm posting the same blog on two different sites. Wanna fight about it?
I realized just about 30 minutes ago, before I was compelled to click "Post New Blog" that I am surrounded by grown ups. Grown ups playing grown up versions of childish games. Really doesn't look that fun from this side. Tell me how this goes again? I got up very Yay-Me-ish and then abruptly pulled myself back down to earth. Oh, Becky, life seemed so much simpler when I was in a little corner upstairs far from every one else. When people had to utilize post it notes to relay messages to me. When the only guy I was pining for was safely on the other side of the glass wall. Ugh! Where's my f-ing time machine.
I guess I haven't mentioned my night at Finn's. So, Brandon was all huffy about how his New Year's Eve went and I was going to go out anyway, and for some unknown reason, I can't turn down needy and weepy at the same time. I agreed to meet him there but soon enough regretted that decision. He whines like a girl, he bitches like a girl, and he pouts like it too. Several times during the night I told him to please just not talk. I was there to play pool, drink and just be quiet. Fortunately his buddy got there soon enough, and he stopped playing. The guy I ended up playing with, some random who I thought would be my safe haven, started the small talk process. Why me? So I ended the game with a hand shake and retreated to my MegaTouch machine. Mr. Random follows and had to be told to turn around if he insisted on talking. I really did try to be polite. Then Random comes back, I guess got a new boost of confidence with his dollar draw beer and asked if I didn't want to talk can he text message me. "No, asshole, you can't, because tomorrow you'll think you can call me, and I don't want you to call me. I don't even want you to think about calling me. You have the audacity to be clingy, irritating and persistent and I don't even want to look at you!" That's what I wanted to say, but I ended it with "No." Then and there I decided to invest in a nice inconspicuous ball cap. So I can stroll in and out of hole in the wall bars, have my drink and be left alone.
I'm sure Brandon is okay. I mean that's what we girls do. We fight and make up. I think I'll make Brandon one of the girls now. Atleast Becky knows my threshold for annoying. I told Brandon I didn't want to talk and he started asking "What's wrong?" "You want to tell me about it?" I had to smile to keep from beating him. I'm being harsh, I love talking. I love bonding too. Bonding kicks ass. I think if I found the perfect giant tree that provided a giant shade, I would gather all my friends under that tree, (providing that it's summer time,) and we'd all bond. I would provide sweet tea and chicken salad sandwiches.
Do grown ups hang out under trees? Do they still enjoy sweet tea? Are they allowed to have friends?
I thought I was grown up. I thought I could maybe blend in. Start working a ton of overtime. Tell people I can't go out because I have to study. Start playing racquetball. Then on my way home from paying for my classes I missed Kellogg by about 5 miles because I was daydreaming about some guy I don't even know. I am out of my f-ing mind |
posted by Jenni @ 12:39 PM  |
The thought of bonding alone is so brady bunch, that it makes me gag a little.
I remember when I was a kid, we'd be sitting at the table for breakfast or something and I would be observing, as I still do, the situation between my mom and brother, it was going just a little too perfect and brady bunch. I completely lost my appetite and wanted to throw up, then as usual my brother made some comment that pissed my mom off. I realized everything was back to normal and we were not the brady bunch, so I continued eating.
oh, and sweet tea is gross. I'll take some unsweetened Green Tea under the tree please.
Can I have something other than sweet tea and chicken salad? Crystal light & grilled chicken for me, please! Oh, wait, you don't really do cooking. Ok, PBJ.
Hope the guy situation is turning around for you.
You know the condos across the street from Finn's? He lives there.
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The thought of bonding alone is so brady bunch, that it makes me gag a little.
I remember when I was a kid, we'd be sitting at the table for breakfast or something and I would be observing, as I still do, the situation between my mom and brother, it was going just a little too perfect and brady bunch. I completely lost my appetite and wanted to throw up, then as usual my brother made some comment that pissed my mom off. I realized everything was back to normal and we were not the brady bunch, so I continued eating.
oh, and sweet tea is gross. I'll take some unsweetened Green Tea under the tree please.