Monday, January 01, 2007
Last night was probably not the ideal New Year's Eve celebration but I made do. The X called and started inviting me over, and at one point asked if I wanted to mess around. F-ing classy, right? I was all worried and sad that he was spending New Year's Eve on his own and it turns out only because the girl he started dating was out of town. Seems like he hasn't changed or learned a bit. Glad to be rid of that one. Of course, opening the lines of communication meant a ton of calls and texts. I should have known.
Despite it all I did manage to have fun last night. Pictures for your pleasure...

Of course, the messages from The X woke me up this mornign which made me terribly pissed. Regardless, my new year might still be salvaged. I spent most of the morning lounging and watching TV. I'll be seeing Logan soon, hopefully, and then if I feel like it I might put my new year's resolutions on paper and start the process.
Tomorrow I have to go and pay for my classes and start buying books, and so on. I'm very excited for the new semester to start.
BTW, anyone know anyone from Philadelphia? My statcounter was bombarded by them this morning.

Now you see what I see. Whoever that was read up, didn't they? Well, hello, to you and drop a line. Lord knows, I get paid based on the traffic so I owe everyone.
Well, ta ta for now. I have a couch, a blanket and a TV to go back to. |
posted by Jenni @ 1:22 PM  |
Who ARE these people? I feel so out of the loop. I only recognize one of those people in the pics.
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Who ARE these people? I feel so out of the loop. I only recognize one of those people in the pics.