Sunday, December 31, 2006
Yay, New Year! Woohoo!
Guy A and I met at the Pumphouse last night and watched a bit of UFC, then walked over to the Warren to watch The Pursuit of Happyness. It was really very good, funny and sad and everything else. Ah! Although, despite my constant warning of "I'm going to cry," most of the night, I only almost cried and that was only twice.
Tonight is New Year's Eve and we opted to just stay around downtown. That should be fun since I'm sure to bump into a lot of friends then. But that also means a lot of walking around and lookie outside! it's snowing. Well, what a great excuse to finally get that Wilson Leather gift card out of the car and buy myself a nice warm coat =D. It wasn't actually for me, I bought the gift card for someone else, but I doubt they even missed it. So it's mine, because I deserve it because I've been a very good girl.
Wow, just got a text from The Ex. Kinda weird, I didn't get all excited and happy like I used to. Maybe I am really better. Oh, it wasn't an unsolicited text. I called this morning because I've been so worried about his sleeping habit. Well, I have a statcounter that tells me who looks at my website at what time and he had been reading at odd hours. For example he would be up past midnight one night on my site and then be back on by 7am the next day. I was so concerned I even told Brian that I hope he wasn't doing illegal keep me up drugs. Not that he's the kind of person, but because I'm very imaginative and paranoid. So I got my monthly stat email this morning, I get email to my phone so it vibrated me awake. I saw that he checked my website 18 times between 10:30pm and 11:30pm last night, the last time he checked it last night was 12:15am and then he was back on at 8am. I felt bad, like maybe I should have blogged on my PDA while at the movies just to keep the site fresh. So I called him and wished him Happy New Year and let him know I was worried. Anyway, he just texted back that he hasn't been sleeping very well. That's understandable.
Ah, I'm going soft again. No! Being mad was what helped me snap out of the funk so fast. Despite the fact that I feel after so many years I have an obligation to be there for him, I feel like after that kind of betrayal whatever obligation I might have had should be null and void. I think I earned the right to be able to turn around and walk away free of guilt. Well, what a great New Year's Resolution, huh? This new year I resolve to just walk away. Feels good, and yet so f-ing mean. I hate being a good girl.
Regardless, I'm off to get myself a new coat and maybe I feel better just a hint. If you know me you know how completely tormented I am at this very moment with what I just ended up blogging about when I really meant to blog about the freakin' movie. So please call me and distract me and have a joke in hand. I need it.
I published, read, and decided to hit edit. Just to add how absolutely fitting the movie is with my life. The pursuit of happiness - maybe that's should be my new year's resolution. |
posted by Jenni @ 1:57 PM  |