Friday, January 05, 2007
Alright, so it’s the 5th morning of the year and I’ve been out every night so far. Not doing so good on my New Year’s resolution right? Well, no worries, I plan on punishing myself with some overtime during the weekend. Maybe. Or maybe I’ll just finish reading Crime and Punishment, finally.
Last night I had a dream I was one of those ribbon acrobats. I could do all sorts of tricks up in the air. It really felt like a great workout. Like I could kick ass. Then I woke up and all I feel like doing is watching my Ugly Betty episode online and contemplate whether I should password protect my website or not. Hmmm… Most times I question why I’m still trying to get my Comp Sci degree. Then I notice how I spend 90% of my time in front of a computer, 95% if you count the MegaTouch machine, and I realize it’s meant to be. I may never be able to work with Voltron, as was my childhood dream, but maybe just maybe I can do a little contract job for the Transformers.
I probably won’t go out again this month, except for some left over social obligations. Saturday I’ll be out with coworkers, for a coworkers thing. And Sunday I should be out to Jezebel’s with some friends. I’ll Flickr any good photo ops, so all you online stalkers better get your fill then. For the rest of the month I will try out the nunnery. Maybe start the whole coffee thing again. Do some pretend self reflections. Or just sleep a lot. Sleeping helps you gain weight right? I should try that out.
Ah, right so the short recap on the Guy list. The Guy List is on vacation, not to resurface again until I get a handle on the online stalker issue. Some day, he will lose interest. Some day. This dating thing is all so hit and miss really. I feel I should have some sort of application process.
Are you self-conscious and are you going to expect me to fix that?
Can you watch an entire TV show without talking about what the characters are doing in the TV show?
Are you suffering from a picked-upon-syndrome that you developed in high school and never got over?
If I told you to just shut up and let me finish, would that be a problem?
How many people do you think would actually fill out an application? How many people do you think would answer them honestly? I should really have an application, and then include job requirements and duties, so three months down the line I can pull out their file and say “I’m sorry but you were hired based on the understanding that you were able to fulfill THESE duties.” =D I'm so serious too. Okay, everyone mass email me potential application questions, it must be done.
Besides all that, I am actually starting to enjoy my little fall break. Whereas earlier this week I was so excited about classes, now I'm wishing I had one more month. It's starting to really hit me that I have to show up for these classes. Lord knows how well that worked out before. But I have 11 more days of semi-freedom. I guess I'll just make the most of it. Like right now, I'm planning on grabbing some food and eating in front of the TV. Exciting huh? I've found that when you live the kind of life I do, always out and about, it's the quiet times that become more memorable. What? Who said that? Where the hell did that come from? |
posted by Jenni @ 10:47 AM  |