Friday, September 21, 2007
I was going to include these in yesterday's post, but as avid readers might have noticed, I really didn't even get to publish yesterday's post until today. Hmmm... My slow day ended up not being so slow after all. Now I must knock on wood, attempting to make that "slow day" statement again. (I literally did knock on wood after ending that last sentence.)
So without further delay, I wanted to show my new desktop, coz I spent 10 minutes trying to figure out how to make different wallpapers for each screen. I'm running on a free trial of UltraMon right now.

And as well, Jon is in a magazine! It's a wedding mag and I told him that in the picture I could see traces of regret in his face. "Oh, f-, why did I marry this b-!" Now that's good modeling!

Seriously, I'm almost proud of him, and when this mag hits the stands I'm so buying it, just for posterity.
There's more to blog about, but I keep getting interrupted by work so more later. |
posted by Jenni @ 10:57 AM  |
Hey I can't tell. Is the girl on the mag even wearing a ring?? Could mean HE is getting married, but not to HER :)
You're right. Maybe he's eloping with the bridesmaid, and she stole the veil =D
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Hey I can't tell. Is the girl on the mag even wearing a ring?? Could mean HE is getting married, but not to HER :)