Sunday, September 16, 2007
Posted on the discussion board of my XML class, discussing how we found the information on our last written assignment.
"I used Google mainly because the search bar is already embedded in my toolbar, which makes for very easy access. Most of the information was easy enough to find, especially from Google. It linked me mainly to articles talking about LegalXML, when I found the organization's actual website though, it was information overload. Granted they have a lot of information to offer but too much on one page tends to overwhelm me.
Comparing Google to other search engines - well, Google and Yahoo are pretty similar, though one big annoyance with Yahoo's main page is all the ads. It makes the page load slower and when I'm searching for something it's usually a number to a business I need to call asap. I know, it's not Yahoo's fault that I waited until 5pm to decide to get another piercing, or that I really can't wait until tomorrow, but seriously as a search engine, I need a company that's going to be there for me and understand my needs. =D Sorry, tangent." |
posted by Jenni @ 7:39 PM  |