As mentioned in the previous blog, I've been working 9 - 10 hours a day and either going to class until 10pm or coming home to do homework. That's what happened today. Actually, I still have a chapter's worth of reading to do for my Visual Basic class, but that I can do in bed.
My eyes are tired, I feel my body wanting to collapse, and I think my bed misses me. I do believe the combination of all of those feelings makes me more agreeable:
Yeah, you're right, I did say I would jump off a building. - No, it's fine, I know I'm worthless. - Absolutely, go ahead and piss on my parade.
All for the sake of not having to go through the muck tonight, or (fingers crossed) any more nights. It also probably helped, the fact that my exes are coming out of the woodwork, makes me realize you can't run away from it. (But you sure as hell can hide!) I don't know what it is about this town that draws them like a magnet. One is back all the way from South America. Why the hell would you come back from South America? Well, atleast he looks happy.
Either case, I must venture towards my bed. Goodnight!