Wednesday, October 03, 2007

I bought the ticket last week. I'm going to Memphis again to attend a concert with Becky and Waynard. It's gonna be oodles and oodles of fun, I just cannot wait. Plus, I get to see their new house, maybe visit Misty and the new baby, oh the only thing that would make it cooler is if Michelle could come too.
I'm driving again, which is my preference. I usually go the whole 8 hours only stopping twice for gas. I like the quiet, the solitude, and the extra time to just think without everyone else's noise. I used to drive almost weekly out of town when there was a flop house in Pittsburg that was available to drive to. That was only two hours away. I guess as time passed I needed to drive farther and farther out. Memphis is my new Pittsburg.
I'm so looking forward to it, I'm already getting antsy. |
posted by Jenni @ 4:39 PM  |
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