Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Okay, so I can't NOT help Adam. He's my puppy. He's my sexy growling puppy. Hahahahaha! Dude, that is not metal! Whatevs!
I took my Art final last night. I'm not as confident about it as I was with the first final I took. I know, though, that I kicked ass with the essay bit, which was 100 out of the 150. The rest of it I basically just shrugged my shoulders about because I know that the lowest grade I can have in that class is a B. And at this point, I'm just ready to get it over with and relax. After the exam I met Adam for dinner, and we had the funniest conversations. He is so hilarious with his conspiracy theories, and his I've-figured-you-all-out scenario stories. Did not hurt that he also got a new haircut which was so adorable, I was wishing I could have just gone home with him last night. Poop!
Anyway, his band is competing to play for Warped Tour so I've been trying to get people to check that site out and vote for them. I think I stayed up until 12:30 am last night, basically until my laptop started quiting on me. I think Dad is right, it might be an overheating issue since I always have the laptop in bed with me. It can't breathe through the comforter. I'll see about a laptop stand with a cooler and see if it makes a difference. Ah, and for everyone that can and is willing to help me out as well, I've got two links and two demands.
1. http://warpedtour.battleofthebands.com/Shrive : Click the link. Create a profile, vote for Shrive (daily is preferable) and add them as a friend.
2. http://www.myspace.com/shriveband : Click the link. Listen to the tunes, watch the video (my baby is sexy) and add them as a friend.
It's all fairly simple. But if you do happen to run into a snag, let me know. That's all I've been doing the past couple of days really, aside from the studying.
But the next couple of days will be much more exciting. The biggest event - my graduation! Woohoo! I'm so excited to have a break. Basically, I might change majors. Oh, c'mon! We all know I suck at computers. So here's the plan. I get my Associates in Liberal Arts. Fairly generic and able to squeeze into any 4 year degree. Yes? Then I stay one more year at Butler as part time student, take it easy and serve out my term at Public Relations Officer with Phi Theta Kappa and get my Associates in Foreign Language. (There's a Spanish Reading class next fall that I am really excited about. Then hopefully around next Spring I can figure out if I'm transferring to WSU or Southwestern, and which degree I'll be switching to. At this point, any suggestions are welcome. Hahahaha!
Oh, and speaking of my officer spot at Phi Theta, I am anticipating getting one of these:
A Chapter Officer Pin. Yes, I get excited easily. Sue me!
The recognitions ceremony is Friday night. I got my invite in the mail early this week, (though it's been part of our last 3 to 4 meeting agendas so I knew it was coming.) I'm very excited, and I don't even know what to wear. =D
And I also get to wear an honors stole for graduation. Woohoo! I feel really nerdy about looking forward to that but I don't care. Besides one of the Phi Theta colors is gold. It was so meant to be.
Yeah, okay I'll shut up about it now, but not for too long.
(Oh, and did I mention I also get a Chapter Officer Shirt? Hahahahaha!)
Anyway, today will be spent doing catch up essentials. Like doing laundry. Making hot chocolate with marshmallows and enjoying it on the deck with a cigarette. Reading my Bukowski book. And maybe a leisurely mid-afternoon bath. Ah, feeling good already. |
posted by Jenni @ 9:50 AM  |