Friday, May 16, 2008
Oh, geez, I don't even know where to start.
Wednesday night met Carla at the Pumphouse. Free chili cheese fritos and free drinks. Carla loves me! Of course, she had to rub in my face that the week prior when I couldn't make it she took another "Jennifer" with her instead. Traitor! Ah, well the more the merrier. We need more girls out for girl's night to deflect all the unwanted attention. They ruin my Megatouch game.
Of course, went home to Adam that night, because-because my baby needs me. Got up Thursday got home and went back to bed. Hahahaha! I've been so stressed about everything I guess I took Thursday as a free day and slept through. Seriously, I even forgot to eat, to the point that I woke up near 3 o'clock with a sugar attack. Whoops! Made myself some chinese sausage and called it good.
Adam and I were going to go see a band play Thursday night. He was having issues finding out when band practice would be though so instead we opted for an early dinner at Pei Wei and went back to his house for a nap. By the time we realized band practice would not be happening it was a bit too late so we went to Quincy's for a quick drink instead. We returned to the house to finish our Pei Wei leftovers and went to bed.
This morning woke up happy (which is always good.) Got home and TRIED to relax for a couple hours, but to no avail. Around noon time I got ready. Stopped by Andover to take my final final. Woohoo! After that headed to El Dorado for Phi Theta Kappa Recognition. I got my chapter officer pin! No shirt yet, but I can wait =D.
So this hectic month is almost done with. Whew! Tomorrow I get up go home, get ready to go to graduation. I have to be in El Dorado by noon. After graduation is Eli's birthday party at Matt and Jen's. Then after that I believe Jen said that we were going to see the fireworks at River Fest. Full day right?
Ugh! So tired already. Anyway, I just got back into town and Adam and I were going to catch the new Narnia movie. Guess what! Band practice started late so we don't even know what we're doing. I hate my schedule being ran by those who don't know how to schedule. You know, me and my schedule, right? You don't? Ah, well then, go ask Becky.
Well, I'm trying to make the most of it. After this blog, I'm laying down. Ah, yes, laying down sounds AWESOME! |
posted by Jenni @ 8:25 PM  |
Congrads to the new graduate! Tell Ching congrads from me too.
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Congrads to the new graduate! Tell Ching congrads from me too.