Tuesday, July 15, 2008
I sat down to blog and thought about blogging on how this week went by fast. But it didn't/hasn't, it's still only Tuesday. *Sigh* Well, for it only being Tuesday, a lot has sure gone on. Enough to entitle for an early weekend. If only, right?
Well, I'm still in training for the new job. We have "out-of-town" trainers in this week so the information has been intensive and stressed to the max since Monday. Also, Adam is starting to get used to his new house, and cooked spaghetti for us for dinner last night. (Take note, Becky:) Dinner was followed by Snicker Ice Cream dessert. As my coworker commented this afternoon, "It sounds like love." =D
I actually left my jewelry at his house last night by accident, and thought it was an opportune time to get some more ice cream after work. To my surprise, Adam offered to make dinner again, and this time my ice cream was preceded by hamburger and chips. Bebi is so domesticated! The way I'm getting pampered, I know someone somewhere is whining about how spoiled I already was to begin with, and to that I stick my tongue out and say "Nah-nah-boo-boo!" or roughly translated "Suck it!" I'm actually between 97 lbs to 99 lbs now, depending on what time of the day you catch me and if I'm wearing heavy shoes or not. It's like heaven!
Tonight I'm finishing off some laundry. I'm hoping to be able to pick out my clothes for the rest of the week, and maybe even pack some and spend a couple nights at Adam's house. Not just for the perks of having a cuddle buddy, but also because he is conveniently a block away from my work. If I didn't know any better, I would think he geographically mapped out the most suitable house for our relationship. The man is an evil genius.
Anyway, a couple of notable notes:
My friend Heidi has volunteered to color my hair for me. It will be a surprise. I trust her because she's done my other friend's hair color a couple of times. It's also about 75% cheaper than going to a salon.
Jennifer - I need camping gear again, for Phi Theta's summer planning weekend at El Dorado lake. A sleeping bag, and a tent if you have one available.
I have a ginormous to do list. As always it includes cleaning my car and my closet. Yeah, who am I kidding? Someday. |
posted by Jenni @ 7:40 PM  |
You are LUCKY I came by to read. You're blogging has been poopie lately!
I have sleeping bag no problem. I found the MAN sized one this time! No tent. I'm assuming it's THIS weekend?
You must have a closet that leads to Narnia because I SWEAR you've been talking about 'cleaning my closet. . .' for a year now? More than a year? Exactly how much can one person REALLY fit into a walk-in closet that leads to over a year of apperal auditing? It's fascinating only because it's soooo on-going. I think it's up there with Kansas road construction. Will it EVER really end? I'm baffled.
I'm sorry to be rude, but do I know you? I have this page bookmarked for some reason, but I can't for the life of me remember ever hanging out with you or knowing you.... is it true? do I actually know you? Are you my long lost friend from a forgotten time?
Bitch...bitch...bitch. I think you have it bass ackwards. You're the one that never calls.
I need you in town soon too. Around August 29ish.
What's going on August 29th ish that you need me in town for?
I may or may not still be in Europe, most likely will be back though.
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You are LUCKY I came by to read. You're blogging has been poopie lately!
I have sleeping bag no problem. I found the MAN sized one this time! No tent. I'm assuming it's THIS weekend?