Friday, June 20, 2008
So for the past 4 days I've been working at the office until 6pm and then driving straight to the new bar I'll be working at to have meetings, usually until 9pm. Wednesday night my dinner was a hotdog from QT, a ton of chips and Famous Amos cookies. Thursday night I had chili cheese Fritos from the Pumphouse. It's not healthy food but it is food. I take my medicine with my dinner so it's not a meal I plan to miss.

Tonight I get off work, and don't have any bar meetings so I plan on napping until Adam is done with band practice. Perhaps will have a quite night of dinner and movies or perhaps not. Depending on how he feels later on.
I wrote my uncle back home another letter. I've been writing him since I felt really bad that the last time I spoke with him he was crying. It means I haven't done a good job trying to stay in touch. I'm a sucky niece, but atleast I'm trying to make amends. I'm thinking of hitting Walgreens or Walmart sometime this weekend and printing some pics to send with the letter. I'm sure it'll be more than appreciated. |
posted by Jenni @ 1:42 PM  |