Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Okay, I think I can get a hold of myself now. Besides, I got a really cool sweater out of the deal =D (Ah, a joke, I feel myself getting back to normal already.) I don't understand the freak out. Really, I was ready to let go all of it, but he calls and he says he just needs me to "support" him and "stay" with him and lord knows I'm a sucker for those things.
Anyway, back on track. Shook off psychotic thoughts, (filed away for entertainment purposes when needed again,) rewrote my resume and sent off to a couple places. I have a strange urge to pack the laptop off and visit The Perk but that would require showering, dressing and doing something with my hair. Maybe I'm not ready for all of that quite yet. One more nap. One more nap and then back to To-do's. Yes, you heard it here folks, I have yet again, my own To-do's.
- I need to do laundry. Neglected from my weekend "runaway" and should include bed sheets.
- Find the awesomest journal ever, and the bestest pen, because that's the way to all sunny days.
- Put outfits together and update my social calendar. Out and out I must be.
- While updating my social calendar, I'm sure I have social obligations coming up as well, I just have to go see.
- Cut my hair. Color my hair. Something. My hair somehow has absorbed all the hatred I've got. So I hate my hair.
- Still need new tires.
- Still need to get all my old phones together to send back home.
- If possible I would prefer running the steam vac through my car too.
And as always, I am now tired from just writing all of those. Happy napping, everybody! |
posted by Jenni @ 12:27 PM  |