Sunday, May 18, 2008
So, Friday night after Adam's band practice we decided to just grab dinner at OC and call it an early night. The routine however of showering after practice woke and wired Adam up. He suggested to get a couple DVD's to watch in bed. I was tired, stressed and cranky, I admit, and was (I'm sure subconsciously) trying to pick a fight. I was doing my usual nagging all the way back to his house and he was doing the usual "make-light-of-things-over-compensating" but by the time we got to his house he gave me a stern "I'm not letting you bitch at me tonight." I sat silenced and thought "Fuck!" but instead said "Fine!" Good choice. By the time we got to bed and started the movie, I easily fell asleep anyway, and Adam (found out later) turned the movie off soon after. If Adam had super powers it would be super comfy sweetness.
I had the best of best Saturday mornings, making it very hard for me to leave him. I almost decided against going to my own graduation. Drove home, got ready, ate lunch that Daddy cooked for me, and drove off to El Dorado. Graduation did not take as long as I thought it would. After graduation, found out that Adam's band was playing at a Riverfest event (he had just found out an hour before I found out too - yes, another example of poor planning) so dropped by there for a bit then headed back to Derby for Eli's birthday party. By the time I got there I was famished and with a major headache. Jennifer is the bestest mom, not only to our kids but to me as well. She used to take care of me when I got sick at work, and yesterday she kept filling my plate up and gave me medicines for my head. I felt muches better by the time Adam caught up with us at the party. I was cranky at Adam some more because I was so tired and he was still wired wanting to do "something" but having nothing specific in mind. It was absolutely aggravating, and I'm sure Jennifer noticed I was picking fights again, but Adam still not biting. I think he has super logic and calmness as super powers too.
After the party Adam and I took off and headed to his house for a much needed rest and relaxtion time for me. He let me sit in the papasan under the comforter and watch The Insatiable (old movie) DVD, as he did laundry and jammed with Zach. After the movie I whined some more, we napped, and then woke up just in time to hit Emerson Biggin's. We bumped into a couple of friends and it was an awesome time. I completely forgot about everything I had been whining about prior. Bebi also has super distract as super powers.
This morning, hard as I tried to sleep in, I woke up right before noon. Of course, woke Adam up too. I don't know why, but it's always necessary. We got up and got food, and in the heat I realized I was still wearing clothes I had worn for my graduation, Eli's birthday and the night at Biggin's. Icky! Adam drove us to the mall and wanted to buy me a sundress (there's that term again) from The Buckle no less. I had to explain to Bebi that I don't like sundresses and I don't even shop at The Buckle. He said "What about that Wet Seal?" And I thought "Fine I shop there" but by the time we got there I was so not in the mood for shopping at all. Actually we circled the entire mall and caused some blisters from my shoe I was more miserable than when we started. Adam needed laundry detergent, so to get him out of there I said "Let's go get detergent from Target and I'll get a tank top and shorts from there." And that's what we did. Adam picked out the shorts (which is only fair since he paid for the whole outfit) that ended up really cute on me anyway, and I picked out a pink tank top and white flip flops. I is wearing them now and I feel super adorable. He wanted me to leave them at his place as my official lounging wear over there, but I wanted to wash them first so I took them home.
After Target we got back to the house watched another DVD, The Revolver. It was a great movie. After the movie we stopped by Braum's for ice cream and Adam took me home home. So in short having a hectic weekend allowed ME to justify my brattiness, and my brattiness would have justified Adam to be a big bad jerk, but instead he took care of me and pampered me and, I'm sure, bit his tongue more times than he really wanted to. I have the greatest bebi in the world, and now I has to miss him all week. Awwww! Poor me! |
posted by Jenni @ 10:39 PM  |
#1 Brattiness is never justified. #2 Please never blog in baby talk again.
#1 I already capitalized "ME" meaning I justified it to myself. Next time I want to know how and when brattiness is justified for "YOU" I will ask. #2 My blog, my words - fuck off!
You look cute and adorable in everything you wear anyway. . .blah blah bleh bleh uuhhhhh.
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#1 Brattiness is never justified.
#2 Please never blog in baby talk again.