Monday, June 23, 2008
Both Adam and Jennifer have mentioned a changed in my writing style. They are concerned I have lost my fire. A simple explanation: I work at the front desk temporarily, and therefore blogging on the sly is not as easy and can be a bit rushed.
No fire missing here.
I spent most of last week with Adam. Between the both of us we realized we spend way too much money on eating out. He has mentioned that he wished someone would help him manage his money like Mom is doing with me. You know, have random calls saying "You tip too much." and "Did you know you spend more in one day than you make in one day?" Little things that you knew was happening but you still need someone else to call you out on.
It felt like the week including the weekend went by fast. I had my training at the new bar. And Adam had band practices for the weekend gig. We did manage to sneak in a visit to the mall and even a matinee movie. We went to see Love Guru, which was not as good as anticipated. They went a little overboard with the bathroom humor and the corny jokes.
I'm looking forward to next weekend being a good movie weekend since Wanted will be out. I have been waiting for that movie for a good two months now.
Then the weekend after next is July 4th weekend and Adam and I will be relaxing with my best bud, Becky. Very excited. I think I can even talk the girl I work with to trade shifts with me so we can start driving out at 3pm instead of 6pm that Thursday. Give us a little more time with sunlight to enjoy the view.
Today's been a goofy sort of Monday. Adam came by to drop of food again and caught me with my glasses off. I didn't see him nor recognize the blur so I disregarded him until I realized the blur was dropping off a sandwich for me. Yikes! Then also the baby talking personality came out randomly, which aggravates the girl beside me to no end. And you can't make it go away by yelling at it, it hurts its feelings, and makes it worse. I had to nap it off during my lunch time.
Well, here's my blog for the day. It's still rushed but hopefully with the same fire everyone's been missing. If not, cut me some slack. I'm multitasking! |
posted by Jenni @ 3:09 PM  |
She made me stop work and read this. Yip, spicy is still in there somewhere.
One little thought: since a lot of your drive up will be spent driving directly into the sun, bring sunglasses. Trust me. I know this from experience.
Can't wait for your to make it up here!
HELLLOOOOO? Does Jenni still reside here?
"Multitasker girl missing blogs" is more like it. Surely something has happened in the last 2 weeks worth blogging about!
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She made me stop work and read this. Yip, spicy is still in there somewhere.