Saturday, September 13, 2008
Adam stayed up til early morning working. I'm quite impressed at the kind of motivation and drive he has, and how he takes advantage of the momentum. He's been working like this all week actually. Aside from the website that I mentioned in the previous blog, he's also in the midst of creating a video game for his portfolio. Looks pretty cool, I already suggested he should use Logan to test it. =D Anyway, the down side is, he sleeps in really late. Can't blame him, except now I'm sitting in the living room, hungry, and debating on whether I should go eat without him, order a pizza (which will be cold by the time he gets up), or just wait. So far I'm going with the waiting idea, but it's not looking like it'll last. Most likely I'll just be a bad baby and wake him up. Hahahaha!
The week that past was all of the usual. Work, school, Phi Theta Kappa, and The Hills. Pretty routine. I was actually supposed to work today too, but it was cancelled due to system updates. It was a blessing in disguise because it allowed for a late Friday night. Adam and I went to see Surphace, Sidewise and Signum play at Lizard's Lounge. It was a fun night, even though we went home before the show ended only because I'm not used to staying up very late anymore. I'm not sure what we have stored for today. Like I said Adam is still sleeping. I already went to the mall, to keep myself from waking him out of boredom. I visited Forever 21. My new favorite store, and "browsed" aka made a list of things I want to buy but can't. If I get to do any overtime this coming up I think I will reward myself with a shopping spree.
Okay, I just woke Adam up. His cell phone rang and it was a call from his parents' house. I don't know about anyone else, but I am not one to miss a phone call intentionally so I ran the phone into the bedroom and woke him up with it. I guess he's not feeling the sense of urgency like I am though because he sent it to voicemail. Slacker! He says he'll be up in 5 minutes though so we'll see. I need to eat and take my medicine soon.
p.s. I love the way he smells in the morning. |
posted by Jenni @ 12:28 PM  |