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Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sunday again. Adam and I went shopping Saturday. I bought a pair of new jeans, size 3. It seems like I grew 3 sizes overnight. There goes all my 00 and 0 jeans. I can still fit into a size 1 though, but why even try? Gaining weight has been a lifetime goal, and I tend to celebrate it. My ultimate goal was to be 105 lbs, but it seems I've peaked at 101 lbs. Oh well, it's still an achievement nonetheless.

Adam and I also started running this morning. 4 blocks from Central to Douglas and back. I confess I couldn't run the whole way. Adam insists it is not a physical limitation but a matter of will power. For now that's all cow dung to me. Not until I can run the entire route backwards and smiling at the girl behind me who's barely breathing that I can be as cocky.

Oh, and a post of the new hair. Now that I've had a full week to appreciate it.


My friend Courtney from work did it. She also cut layers into my hair to accomodate the growing out of my bangs. She did a fantastic job. Adam is still complimenting it everyday. I felt and feel like a complete rock star. Great job, Courtney! Well, she is a licensed cosmetologist so I guess it's no great feat, but still, one can only hope to walk out of a salon so happy.

Posts of me in my new size 3 jeans soon. Only because it's so damn hot - the jeans and me as a size 3. Hahahaha!
posted by Jenni @ 5:57 PM  
  • At 11:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    Becky and I are starting back running using this to get back into it.

  • At 8:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    What Wayne means to say is that he intends to start running using that. Despite our "first day" supposedly being 8/4, we still haven't ran yet. He keeps claiming that he doesn't feel good. :p

  • At 5:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Running? WOW! HOLY CRAP! YOU are a new woman! SOOOoooo. Does this mean you'll run a 5k with me??? :)

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