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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I know, I know. But really I have an excuse. Okay, starting Tuesday, October 31st which was Halloween, I had a dentist appointment in the morning and then had to get food from Philippine Grille to take to work for our Halloween party. Wednesday I had lunch with Ray at Uptown Bistro, went to Patrol North to observe (I applied for a transfer there) and then picked Logan up with Mom and went to Toys R Us with him to see what he wanted for Christmas. Wednesday night, of course, went out with Becky. I seriously can't remember Thursday, but I know that Mom's been asking me to get my room in her house cleaned up, so I'm sure I attempted something like that, and as well got my nails done sometime during the day. I remember Logan got home from school and asked me if my room was clean. I said "No" and he immediately followed with "Why not? Lala asked you to, and she wanted it done before she got home." I told him, I didn't hear her, so he was also quick to defend me when Lala stepped in the house. Isn't he cute? Thursday night went out again. Actually stayed out longer than was anticipated but it was a great night all in all. Friday I was back to work but it was still the weekend so basically I went out Friday night and Saturday night. Sunday morning was the brunch at Legends with la familia for Ching's birthday celebration. I was stuffed! Ray didn't get to make it, he had family matters he had to attend to. Dad didn't go because he's antisocial. So it was Donna, David, Brian's grandparents. Brian, Ching, Fiefel, Me and Mom. I browsed the mall with Becky awhile before heading to work. Then Sunday night I went out but only for one drink =P Monday night Ray and I soaked in the hot tub and "christened" it. I love hot tubs, moonlights and stars.

Now it's Tuesday. I've been to the dentist and handed over $360 hard earned dollars for a new crown. I already called the Lieutant at Patrol North and he stated I should receive a packet to study soon and he'll let me know by Thursday when the interview process will start for the other position. I am very excited! I want that spot so badly. I'm going to clean up a little bit more at Mom's and try to get in a quick nap. Actually already in Derby and I'm thinking of scavenging for food. Eventhough I have just gotten done eating lunch with Ray I feel like munching some more. I am a hungry baby. Also, I have studying to do, especially since finals are getting closer and closer.

So there's an entire week of recap crap. The long version of the same old "I'm busy" excuse. Much more than being busy I'm too highly motivated for my own good. A lot of new projects I'd like to start, a lot of book I want to buy to read, also the urge to write again, but right now I have to just restrain myself and finish the plate that's already in front of me. Concentrate on finishing the semester up, and getting all the to-do's I've already prioritized done.

Becky and Jacob will only be here for another week and a half as well, so I'd rather keep as much free time free to spend some time with them before they go.

BTW, let me leave everyone with Jolie Holland - Old Fashioned Morphine, it rocks! Kinda how I feel sometimes when life gets hectic. But if you can't have the real thing, the song is good enough for relaxing and unwinding.

Daily extended (by Astrology.com)
A big personality who is long on talking and short on doing will frustrate you today. Beware of the people who brag the most, because they usually have the least to brag about. This person is all talk and no action -- and is absolutely no threat to you whatsoever. Your best tactic is to keep your head down, embrace modesty and let your actions speak for you. Making a lot of noise and churning up clouds of hot air have never been your style, so don't start now!
posted by Jenni @ 1:01 PM  
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