Sunday, January 21, 2007
I've been pretty ill this past week. Missed a bit of work, but all in all managed to get everything done, especially my school work. Friday night was Mandy's big shindig at Finn's. Tons of fun and pictures. The X made an appearance, nothing major, no real drama, haven't talked to him since. It was pretty awkward getting that look from everyone and then having to explain, "No, we're not back together." And then of course getting asked about every guy that happens to say a word or two to me. Ugh! Minor set back. Anyway, Saturday was a great day to just recover from being sick and from being drunk. Especially with all the snow that came down, it was nice to stay in and watch a movie. Today is back to business as usual. I've already gotten messages asking me where the pictures are. They will be posted following this blog. Got up early to get some homework done, and do some laundry. Hopefully, in a little bit I'll have time to catch up on my online TV shows. Tomorrow is jury duty day, and another doctor's appointment. Then Tuesday, back to school and back to work. The cycle never ends.

posted by Jenni @ 2:43 PM  |