Tuesday, March 13, 2007
It's my own f-ing fault really and I won't whine too much about it. I probably could bed more rested than I am. I think I actually went to be fairly early. Before 10pm? Don't ask why I can't remember.
Regardless, today in class I was barely awake. That lag time from 11am to 12:30 between classes when I usually catch my lunch I spent sleeping in my car. I think it helped, but only so much.
Still have work tonight. Of course, I'm looking forward to that, *smirk*. Doesn't everybody?
I have just one more class on Thursday and then it's Spring Break. And Spring Break means Memphis. That's exciting news.
You know what else is exciting news? A new guy. Possibly. Maybe. Or maybe not. So I've already called a couple of you and you've heard my iffyness on the deal. I'm iffy but no one else is. Whatever. Does anyone blame me? You know for being pessimistic. My shrink doesn't blame me =D
They all start out so sweet don't they. I still remember how the last one started out. He professed his undying love for me to one of my friends, told her he would do anything for me and just wanted to take care of me. Then of course a couple months later I wasn't allowed to talk to that friend anymore, and a couple other friends he didn't approve of. Ahhh! Undying love. You the hell made that phrase up.
New guy says I have a problem letting go. A couple of you might agree. But really why do I have to let go when all the letting go has been done for me. Well, something somewhere is bound to go wrong, and it better go wrong soon. I can't afford to fall for another let down. But he asked for a chance and obviously he's got one. I'm not verbalizing that he's got one because that's how I work, so he better figure it out one his own and work quick.
Wow, I am very open with my feelings when I lack sleep and am hungry. So, I guess next time anyone wants to bond catch me around 3am right after an all nighter and starve me.
This blog will be erased, I'm sure. I'm going upstairs to eat, I will think about what I just wrote, smack my forehead a couple of times, run downstairs and delete. Enjoy it while it lasts. |
posted by Jenni @ 1:14 PM  |