Saturday, February 24, 2007
So when was the last update? Right, Wednesday. Wow! Seems like longer for me. Wednesday I stayed up until 1am trying to get caught up on my workbook assignments, and writing my Spanish composition. Had a 5 hour nap and got up at 6am to get ready for class. I had to leave early to get gas but it seemed like I was dragging. I thought I was late for class (my clock in the car reset when I had the battery changed) but I actually made it right on time. So, besides the days I missed for jury duty I still have perfect attendance. The professor gave us back our exams and I got a 99.2% I missed that .8% for spelling the word dose with a C. Ugh! The good news though is I still have a very strong A in class. Whew!
I didn't have my Technical Writing class that day so after class I drove back home for free lunch. Went to work by 2:30pm and was barely awake. By the time 11pm rolled around I was just beat. I was heading home and did an impromptu left turn to Finn's. Grabbed a drink and chatted with Greg. Apparently eventhough I've text messaged back and forth with him several times since last changing my number he never bothered to save it so he had accidentally called some guy at 3am last weekend. Nice. But I did somehow promise to see him spin for Saturday (tonight). I was advised "spinning" this time will involve CD's and not records. We'llsee how this goes. Friday was a good day. Managed to sleep in atleast a bit. Was at work by 10am for the Spanish certification class. had lunch and went straight to work and got off by 7pm.
After work I headed to Barleycorn's as I promised my friend. She was however late and so I ended up playing pool with two strange guys. Not strange weird, but strange like I didn't know them. I did see a couple friends, some use-to-be friends, and one ex-involvement. Around 10pm I met up with another friend and we headed to Green Derby to meet some more friends and see Tainted play. Over there I saw more old friends, and made new friends. (This is where it starts to seem like I know TOO MANY people.) But it was great times. We had breakfast afterwards and I got to sleep by 4am.
Woke up this morning, barely. Well, let's correct that. I woke up this afternoon, barely. Greg texted me and I believe I told him I would text him back later so I should do that soon. When I got up I only had enough time to eat some pizza and get ready. Headed to Thunderbird for the Bowl For Kid's Sake Event. That was tons of fun. I actually just got back.
Currently debating on doing some homework, or getting some much needed sleep before tonight. What is tonight? Well, as before mentioned Greg's spinning, and as well a friend's band is playing down town and of course I will have to make an appearance. So what's going on tonight is PLENTY.
Tomorrow though should be a good day of nothing. Which I am very much looking forward to. I am beat. As a matter of fact I am already tired for next week. next week is going to be a six day work week for me, and of course school with all of that. But I have to keep going. No rest for the weary. And am I ever weary. |
posted by Jenni @ 7:48 PM  |
A question about the drawing.
How would the skintight biohazard shirt fit over the wings? I'd think there'd be some sort of stretchage, you know?
At least your spring break is coming up soon, right? And your trip to Memphis! :)
Becky - Yes, thank God for Spring Break. I cannot wait!
Ryan - If the girl can exist with fire emanating from her person and shoot thunderbolts from her hands, I'm sure she can also put a shirt on without ruining the fabric. but that's just my opinion.
Hey, goob. Sounds like you're still partying like a rockstar.
BTW, who did the drawing?
The drawing was created with a hero machine by www.ugo.com.
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A question about the drawing.
How would the skintight biohazard shirt fit over the wings? I'd think there'd be some sort of stretchage, you know?