Sunday, February 11, 2007
With all my current excuses on how busy I've been I may have lead most to believe that I've done nothing but work and study all these weeks. Not true. I have allowed a lot of time to enjoy life. For example, I frequently eat lunch at my favorite places. Lately I've frequented Hana Cafe, Uptown Bistro and PF Changs. I do have a craving for some Hibachi Grill cooking but that will have to wait for another time. I've had some Me-Time with massages, getting my hair and nails done, and most recently the photo shoot. I still do go out and drink though not as often as before. That's good, though, that was part of the New Year's resolution. In the mornings when I don't have class I practice Yoga and Tai Chi before getting ready for the day.

I've also gone and watched a couple of movies in the theatres. Most recently it was The Curse of The Golden Flower. What a crazy movie. The main guy looked a little like Dad which considering how crazy he was creeped me out even more. As always I came to see the fight scenes. Tons of flying Ninjas. It was not at all a let down but I could have probably waited for the DVD release.

What I did watch on DVD that I wished I had seen in the theatres was Fearless. Supposedly Jet Li's last wushu movie. I sure hope not. Jet Li is by far one of my most favorite Martial Arts actors. And the movie kicked serious ass. I loved it. I can stand to watch that movie another hundred times.
Well, this was just a short break before I get back to studying. Tomorrow is a big day. Actually it's a big week. I'm looking forward to getting my tax return. This is probably the biggest tax return I've gotten in half a decade so I'm fairly excited. I've promised myself one splurge and the rest to go into savings. Also the Women's Fair is this weekend, so I'm hoping to be ahead on my school work before the weekend arrives. Mom and I went last year and it was a blast. No one can beat $5 massages, $10 hair cuts and a butt load of freebies.
Tomorrow is my last day off and I've got a huge "to buy" list I haven't dented yet. I need a stylus to replace the one I lost while drunk emailing in the bars. I have to buy stamps, if only to keep in my checkbook and pretend I have bills I send out. I need batteries for my digi-cam. Poor poor digi-cam. Blah, blah, blah. I expect tomorrow is going to be a long day but hopefully very productive. We'll see right? |
posted by Jenni @ 9:07 PM  |