Monday, January 22, 2007
"You may delay, but time will not." -- Benjamin Franklin
What happened? I had the momentum going, did I not? A great schedule, I've utilized the calendar my sup gave me for Christmas so well. Last week - didn't miss a beat. Ah! Life!
So, jury duty. They say it has to happen sooner or later. Well, it's happened and I've not been kicked out. I go back again tomorrow and I have to miss classes and work. Most people would rejoice, but I've been enjoying classes and work, damnit! I guess there's always next week.
Tonight was meant to be my last night off. So I spent it indoors watching TV shows. I watched The Hills, of course, but another show I never got to watch was Heroes and I got hooked on it today. BTW, never watch a show with a freaking fanatic. They don't shut up. I beared it up until 9pm and when my show came on I turned and tried to politely say "Don't talk during my show!" Lucky me no offense was taken and it was seemless from there.
Tomorrow I go back to jury duty as mentioned previously. I've emailed my instructors and advised my sup at work. Everything's been arranged and I look forward to another drawn out day. Except tomorrow I will be prepared and bring all my homework, and utilize my time as best I can.
Well, it's 11ish pm so I should be in bed already. Adios, amigos. Hasta luego.
posted by Jenni @ 11:45 PM  |