Thursday, February 15, 2007
Bowl For Kids' Sake
I wanted to place the link for the fundraiser back up top. We'll be bowling on the 24th, so I'll be turning in my pledge sheet soon. Please click on the link to make a pledge or contact me.
Aside from that little solicitation. I am at school already and will get to study for my oral exam before class. Shouldn't be very difficult. My class was on the edge of voting me out, supposedly because I know too much Spanish already. Well, it doesn't hurt that Visaya is very close to Spanish, and that I'm going through a Spanish certification at work the same time I'm taking the class. I really do believe I need this class, if anything I can atleast get the grammar down. Either way, after this class I have to start on my new assignment in Technical Communication. It's not due until the 20th, but it's easier to do these things while the lecture is fresh in your mind.
Valentine's Day was really sweet. Didn't get to do much since I had to work, but after work was nice. Celebrated with Patron and Lambic. Not a great combination but it still works out. Hahahahahaha! I guess that can be said about the choice of liqour and the choice of company.
Well, off to study. I do work tonight so I might not be able to blog again until tomorrow. Nat's posted a couple shots from the shoot on her MySpace and I've not been able to download and upload so stay tuned. |
posted by Jenni @ 8:44 AM  |