Monday, March 12, 2007

300 - What a kick butt movie! They should have made it longer though, it had the potential of being so much better than Gladiator. Won't ruin it for everyone else, but great fight scenes and an army of 300 buff guys ... yeah, I liked it plenty =D

Just Like Heaven - Ah! Now this one I was told to watch a while back. I think Reese is one of Ching's fave actresses. Never had a chance to until recently. It's a little tear jerker, and very sweet. Oh, f-ing love stories! It's liable to make anyone cry.
That about sums up my weekend except for some hush hush can't tell anyone news, except of course Becky, because Becky knows everything. Yay, Becky! I have so much more to add to it so call me after your classes are done. Or maybe not, maybe I'm just getting my hopes up for no reason. I'm a tard. I should just keep it to myself, because I'm just making a big deal out of nothing. Ugh! I'm rambling via keyboard!
Subject change.
Today, I must I must get my homework done. Shouldn't be hard though, school is becomming real easy, except for the having to show up part, of course. I think I did laundry last night, now it's just a matter of getting my clothes out of the dryer and hanging them up. I also have to eat. One of the many things I neglected to do yesterday.
I did manage to squeeze one bloody mary into my diet at about 1:11am last night. That's two from the vegetable food group - tomato and olive. With everything that's going on I didn't really feel like sleeping yet when 1am rolled around so I tried to catch last call at Finn's. Some guy chatted me up and told me I was pretty. Usually I shoo guys like that away but realizing that I was in a hoodie, glasses on and bed hair I was quite impressed. You know, that he could lie so well and so convincingly =D The world is not short on guys like that. Of course, when I started talking he couldn't hide the look of amazement that I was actually smart. Not being cocky, but I know I'm smart just from moments like that. When the guy's eyes start to squint, his jaws start to drop and he looks around as if to see if anyone else could hear what he was hearing. We ended up having a 30 minute discussion on electronics, stocks, occupations, echoboomers and Wichita. Good conversation is always good fun.
Anyway, like I said I should probably eat. Ciao! |
posted by Jenni @ 8:38 AM  |
Long day for me (just got home 10 minutes ago), so hold those thoughts until your next day off!
Call whenever, but no promises I can answer. :)
I loved 300! When did you go? I have some stuff for you.
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Long day for me (just got home 10 minutes ago), so hold those thoughts until your next day off!
Call whenever, but no promises I can answer. :)