Thursday, March 15, 2007

I doubt it can be considered playing coy, but I have this uncanny way of always putting people down without meaning to. Sometimes this unintended "bluntness" is a gift in certain situations, i.e. I am trying to play MegaTouch and some random wants to spark a conversation, "I'm sorry, if you choose to sit there you will have to cease talking." But sometimes it just hurts more than helps, i.e. something adorable is said to me by someone adorable, "Oh, shut the f- up!" When really I meant, "That's the sweetest thing that's been said to me all decade! So sweet I can barely look at you. But please don't go away, this awkwardness will end in 2 to 3 hours and I'll be able to look at you again." Ugh!
So everyone nows there's a new guy. Well, he's not exactly new, I've known him for some time, I saw him around about once every other month, and about once every other month we say smart things to each other and keep walking. Now, we're actually doing this "thing" which I refuse to label though he's asked me to. (Consider it a side effect from the previous relationship this repulsion to "talking.") So during this "thing" we've managed to start an ongoing back and forth email conversation about 5 ... 6 maybe 7 a day, we talk on the phone about 3 or 4 times a day and I see him now about 2 to 3 times during the day. And I know, now that I put it in writing, it's a bit excessive, but it really doesn't feel like it. I digress. Everytime I hear from him I get all compliments, and I respond with stupid childish comebacks. Do I have some sort of disease? Luckily, he thinks it's "adorable" right now, but I doubt he'll think that for long. He has such staying potential, and I'm going to be the one that f-s it up just by being me. Because Eli is right, I like assholes.
Today I tried my hardest to be sweet, I did, my hardest! I called for no reason but the fact that I yawned and when I put my hand to cover my mouth it smelled like his cologne. I called to tell him that. That was random, but sweet, right? Then he goes and messes up my whole game by asking me to come over after work. I couldn't I had so much to get done at home. I have this huge project I have to do for Technical Writing during Spring Break, I haven't done laundry all week, and then there's next weekend and this weekend to prepare for which involves a lot of auto maintenance and packing. So he sounded all disappointed which tugs at me, you know, cause I'm a sucker for that shit. So here I am blogging about his disappointment and my guilt.
But tomorrow is Friday, my last day of work this week. I'll be over at his place after work where he and his friends will be preparing for the all day St Patty's event planned for Saturday. Then of course all of Saturday I'll be partaking in said event. That should make up for it. I'll be over at his place all f-ing day so email me, or call, but don't expect a blog. I plan on taking pictures so there's that too. BTW, I happened upon a Half Irish/Half German so he is taking this holiday very seriously. I have since acquired a green sleeveless that says "Irish" which he expects this Asian to wear, and a green sweater that says "Ireland". Both articles of clothing were handed to me after much protesting and trying to convince him that green does not look good on me. Hmmm...I don't feel that bad after all. =D
Good night! |
posted by Jenni @ 11:45 PM  |
Glad you're fucking happy...the pain you cause me only fuels my success!
I seriously can't believe you're doing this...show's me exactly the kind of person you are and no matter who you're with...unless you change...they'll find the real you!
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Glad you're fucking happy...the pain you cause me only fuels my success!