Tuesday, April 03, 2007

I know when I first saw the preview for School for Scoundrels I was really wanting to see it. Of course, everyone knew with how my schedule was, I never really had the time. So, recently, I got the chance to rent the DVD and the movie was freakin' awesome! I kept trying to talk to people about it and have been surprised by the number of "I wanted to see that but never got to" responses. Seriously? If you're one of those I suggest putting this on your must-watch-by-the-end-of-the-week list. It's that good.
BTW, I'm in the library, supposedly doing research. Remember the sub I mentioned in the post prior? Well, our regular teacher is in Boston. We were advised before he left that the sub would be assigning our final project. I though she would assign it then let us go. NO! She is holding us hostage in the library. Currently, I would rather be at home working on the project that was assigned last week and is due next week. I've got the layout already chosen and the information I want to provide listed out. I just need to get everything organized, typed out, proofread, printed, and then hopefully submitted by next Tuesday. (Bonus, no classes on Thursday!) This final project is tied in to an oral presentation which I can tell Kinkos will be highly involved in. The instructor has listed visuals/visual handouts as part of the "suggested" materials for us to include in the presentation. This final project will be due in two weeks.
Of course, I wouldn't be screwing off like this unless I've already done the research I needed. Same as for the other project, I've chosen the layout, the information I'm including and the references I need. Now just organizing everything and making my visuals, and possibly an interview. I only have three projects left including the oral presentation and I'm fairly confident I can get them all done, and done well.
Christ! An hour and a half left of this, I'm running out of things to blog about. Okay, maybe now I'll go back to doing the project due next week. Atleast something productive right?
P.S. Grindhouse (movie) is supposed to be out this Friday. Cannot wait! |
posted by Jenni @ 1:57 PM  |