Tuesday, April 03, 2007
I got to class about 45 mins early. This is usually the case since class starts at about 12:30pm and my first class ends at 11am. That gives me time to eat and catch up on homework, but right now, not as motivated. Besides I owe a post since so much has occured.
Right so, all that thinking about having to make it through work. I thought I could, honestly. Friday came around and I had the Spanish certification at 10:30am so normally that would mean I'd be out of work until 7pm. That would have only given me 4 and a half hours of cattiness to put up with. The closer I got to work though the more I realized I didn't need to be put through any of that. So I resigned. A little impulsive, but not without any justification. Besides if you're going to quit, might as well have the weekend off =D
I enjoyed a leisurely weekend, of course. Mom had a get together on Sunday. Monday came around and it was time for me to get started on school work again. I did laundry as usual, like nothing had changed. I got a call back from one of the companies I had sent my resume to Thursday which was a surprise because they usually don't respond that quickly. I set an interview for 3pm that afternoon.
Originally, I had planned on being a full time student for the summer, living off of my savings, and being able to concentrate on getting my GPA up and graduating sooner. Let's face it, none of the jobs I've had so far is even close to the field I'm working towards. When this interview came up it was a spot as an HR Generalist. So I started having to look through my summer class schedule trying to find something I could compromise. I felt disappointed in thinking I might have to forego the golf lessons because I was so looking forward to it. During the interview I found out that not only would they pay me less than what I would normally ask for, they were also not as flexible when it came to scheduling around classes. Not worth it. Of course, I didn't say that. Duh!
After class this morning I had a brilliant idea. Coop education! I would get aide in looking for a job this summer, one that might be flexible with my school schedule because they signed up knowing they'll be getting students, one that would be closer to my career field of choice, and one I'd be getting credits for. I'm a freakin' genius!
So there's my next to do. Sometime after all that I need to contact my bank and see if I can transfer my 401k from the city into some kind of IRA account. I was originally just going to cash it, but I think I have enough that I won't need it at all. I think if it gets to the point that I have to dip into that, then I didn't plan this full time student thing at all. So far, I've gone ahead and paid most of my foreseen bills in advance just so I have a clearer view of what to look forward to financially, and I think I'll do just fine all summer without having to ask the 'rents for help. (Mom, I know you read this, I'm going to try, but don't hold me to it =D) Actually I know I'll do just fine, especially if I can do the Coop thing. Then by fall it's back to the regular full time school - full time job gig. By then, I'm looking at mostly online classes so it won't be an issue at all.
Well, sub is here. She thought class was at 12pm better go. |
posted by Jenni @ 11:48 AM  |