Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Fell asleep around 8pm last night and seriously slept through until my alarm woke me up at 6:30am. I guess the Lord didn't want anything to do with my drinking habit. It worked out great for me though. I had the best series of dreams ever.
Work was not as flawless, a lot of system downtimes, but all is well that ends well. Tomorrow is Thurdsay and everyone is thinking about going to Mulligans after work for happy hour. Friday is jean's day. And, finally, this weekend is a three day weekend. w00t! I'm contemplating a little run to Manhattan, KS. Cross fingers.
Tonight a bit of a break. Dinner at Hana Cafe and hopefully the Brickyard is open for the summer. Should be fun. I have people to meet by 8pm so this is a very quick update before I get changed and run out.
BTW, someone drew me a picture and really I only like it for the "I'm sorry" written underneath but I've been told the hard copy has been shredded. I think it was forgotten that a phone cam capture was already sent. So when I have more time to transfer it over and post it I will. So bleh! |
posted by Jenni @ 6:44 PM  |