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Sunday, May 06, 2007

Kurt Halsey

Friday was a fairly eventful day starting from the cute little outfit I put together for work. Had lunch at Hana with one of my bestest buddies, and bumped into Ching and Robbie. So despite from my food not being on the table until 45 minutes into my lunch time causing me to be 20 minutes late coming back to work, it was still way worth it. Actually, I managed to ring Robbie the day after to apologize not having been able to chat him up and told him to call whenever he wants to catch up. It was a day later because that's how long it took for me to find his number.

After work I was taken to Kobe's for a nice dinner, and then went to Finn's to see James and tried not to laugh at a former friend who has now evolved into the girl she used to despise. My how things turn against you like that. I wonder if that huge gold glittery bag of hers had in it a nice selection of glittery tube tops. I'm sure it did. Well, not much to report she had always been real pretentious. I guess, we'll just see who she turns into next.

The next day I visited the bank fairly early, and then grabbed breakfast/lunch food for two. Had the usual snappy snappy - stop yelling at me - talk and then headed to the golf range. Actually still sore. After that, dinner, shopping for TV's and watched a DVD. Yes, life does not get more exciting than that.

This morning packed up. Got home, had my snappy snappy - stop yelling at me - talk over the phone and then started packing for Memphis. I've printed my route to the hotel I'll be staying at, got a packing list, and now I just have Monday - work, Tuesday - class, Wednesday - work, and then Thursday - finals and driving.

Did I mention I'm sore? Yep, gonna drink that away. I'm gonna head off to my friend's bar for a bit, just long enough for two drinks and two dollars worth of MegaTouch. Then we start the madness!
posted by Jenni @ 8:33 PM  
  • At 11:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You've been warned about the "snappy snappy - stop yelling at me" stuff this weekend. Your phone WILL be confiscated & will not be returned until Sunday. I've sent you the schedule, and drama is not on it. :)

  • At 1:24 PM, Blogger Jenni said…

    Ma'am, yes, ma'am.

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