Sunday, April 15, 2007
A little trip to the liquor store and I decided to get adventurous and try a new wine. Most always I tend towards the sweeter wines, White Zins and Rieslings, I was about to grab a Cabarnet when the store owner stopped me and started asking questions. I told him my usual likes and how I wanted to branch out, "don't jump to a Cabarnet," he said and quickly pointed me toward the Pinots. No, thank you, been there, didn't like it. Next! Ah, then he got all sentimental, "this is my wife's favorite," Petite Sirah. Okie dokie. Took that home and to my surprise it was good!
It started out with a kick, maybe due to the 13.5% alcohol content, far from the lighter wines I usual drink, but the further down you got to each glass the better it tasted. I kept testing this theory and it was true with both glasses I had. Of course, by the middle of the first glass I was already trying to carefully knife the label off the bottle. This was a poor attempt at listening to the store owner and starting a wine journal. I got very impatient, as I usually do, and actually ruined the label. Then I got all bratty and started whining and getting peeved. Somebunny (who drank more than there fair share of the wine, let me tell you) wisely advised me to just find the wine online and *poof* there's my label. So smart.
BTW, this wine gives a very mellow buzz. Unlike with the lighter wines, that usually make me all giddy and social, (as if I was sober) this gave me a very chill let's just watch commercials and not care feeling. So it doesn't really hit you that you're drinking at all, except the next morning. Same with other wines, this one comes with a huge payback in headaches. But that would be the only down side to a most excellent "I'll-be-buying-another-bottle-to-keep" wine.

p.s. For those who didn't know - a Sirah and a Shiraz is the same thing, just different origins. |
posted by Jenni @ 5:01 PM  |