Thursday, April 19, 2007
Quick update on that Spanish exam I made up on Thursday - 100%.
Carrying on, I managed to slip in a quick mini series on the Sci Fi channel watching Arabian Nights because it hooked me with a pretty chick. *shrugs shoulders* It's a weakness. Also I bought the trilogy of Riddick and watched it all over again, because Riddick is always a bad ass no matter how gay Vin Diesel decides to be. Another good bad ass movie was Virtousity with Russel Crowe being the best villain ever. I always side with the bad guys, they're so much more fun!
I've been cramming a lot of to-do's in my days. Usually running my errands on Tuesdays after classes, on my lunch hours, or right after work before heading home. Just mainly trying to catch everyone else's business hours. It's been pretty smooth sailing actually, I always work well on a time limit, performing best on Panic Mode.
My blogs have been pretty non drama, no thanks to me, actually. I have no explanation for the sudden twist, just a bout of complacency hit, and here I am. Kinda sitting back and getting knocked on the head, and thinking "I should probably react to that, but how?" and by the time I figure something out it's too late and I'm more than content to let it go. Hmmm... and I don't mind. Oh, cut me some slack I am not under medication! It just happened.

Of course, now that everything shifted I'm reflecting more than usual with this sort of haze instead of the usual intense red or black. And all these reflections I think have caused the recent train of very vivid, very where-the-hell-did-that-come-from dreams. People I should have already forgotten are popping in, things I would have never thought of that finally seeing it kinda makes sense, and some things I can't remember but still kinda lingers, if you know what I mean. Strange, but I'll get to the bottom of this.
Meanwhile, I still have living to do, which, cumbersome as it may get, feels pretty darn enjoyable. Ah, and my back is killing me. Good thing my massage appointment is this Saturday. I don't think I could have held up much longer. And yes, I have a Kurt Halsey facination right now, let it go. This will run like the Jason Mraz phase and everyone will just deal with it because I have an obsessive personality. You didn't know? Wow. I'm sorry to be the one that had to break it to you. |
posted by Jenni @ 6:33 PM  |
One more thing for your to-do list: get your dress altered! The wedding is 3 weeks away. Oh, and have you told work you need time off for it yet?
Give me a call some time this weekend. Seems like a long time since I've talked to you.
I already had altering the dress on my to-do for this weekend. I couldn't find my silver shoes that I had in mind but I have a different one I'll take a pic of and send for your approval.
I'm telling work Monday. I was today but there hadn't been any good time to. Timing is everything you know.
Call you soon.
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One more thing for your to-do list: get your dress altered! The wedding is 3 weeks away. Oh, and have you told work you need time off for it yet?
Give me a call some time this weekend. Seems like a long time since I've talked to you.