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Monday, October 15, 2007

I finished my OT day Saturday and came home to Dad starting the work on the bookshelves. He sent Mom and I to Lowe's to get the extra parts we needed. Mom and I decided to go to Lowe's, Walmart and then Kohls. And, of course, when we couldn't find what we came there for, Mom decided to take the time to shop for other things. She walked out empty handed, but we spent 2 hours between all those stores none-the-less. Got back home, ate dinner, started laundry, and napped. I was effing tired. I apologize whole heartedly to Eli. You're probably not in love with me anymore after the stunt I pulled. So, I hope you forgive me or I'll have to find someone else to drunk dial.


Eli texts me Friday and gave me permission to drunk dial him for the weekend because he would be gone the following weekend, and I would be gone the next. I called and told me that since I was working Saturday I couldn't hang out later but I would try to come over after work Saturday, maybe eat dinner, catch a movie and then go out. He protestingly pointed out that that was a date. I revised to "You eat ramen, I'll get taco bell, we'll watch a DVD, then go out drink." So there was our plan, and of course, I flaked.

I got a text message from him sometime during Saturday night that said "You either fell asleep or died." Yeah, he knows me real well. Anyway, we'll see if I'm forgiven eventually. If not, I will slander him on cyber space.

Sunday Dad finished my bookshelves. Here's one set:

There's another set just right beside it. Almost all my books fit, actually, I was way surprised. Dad says to keep an eye on it for the next couple of days to make sure it doesn't give. That's very reassuring, huh? He also tried to charge me $150 for the materials, and $80 an hour for the labor. Really, Dad? I don't think I would have hired a programmer that cost that much to make my bookshelves for me. Especially since you did almost miss the stud. You have to hand it to him though, the bookshelves look fantabulous. I'm so very excited.

Anyway, I've been at work. Started at 7am. Fun times. I got my version of breakfast: coffee and biscotti.

I think I'm training today so I should probably end this before they get here.
posted by Jenni @ 7:49 AM  
  • At 9:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    yeahhh, shit happens, you overextended your tight schedule, understandable. ha ha.

    since when have I even been one to hold grudges? forgivness, granted.

    see ya in a month!

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