Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Remember the long week I was talking/blogging about. Here it is, and it's only Tuesday. I got to work at 7:20am-ish and I'll be here until 5:30pm if not past 6pm. Joy!
Last night I got home to boxes galore of Avon and Mark stuff, that was my fun times. It was like Christmas only most of the stuff weren't for me. Poop! But atleast I get money in exchange. I hope I get money in exchange. Mom has already pirated some of the jewelry, and I forgot to give her her receipt. (Probably, because she forgot to pay me.) Either way, I'll be posting pics of the ones that I have that are still not spoken for, so you can hit me up if you want to come claim/buy them.
Tonight should be a mild one for me. I've got tons of paperwork to do with the invoices I received so I'll be logging those in. I also need to do homework and junk. Ahhhh! Staying home. Feels kinda strange, but I suppose I can get through it. Besides, I need to start saving up money for my pending trip to Memphis. (Wow! I'm so sleepy I can't even get excited about it. Maybe later on in the day.)
Here's some pics from last week's Customer Service Appreciation events:

posted by Jenni @ 7:54 AM  |
Wow, Jen. Your picture is quite mild compared to the rest of your team! Looks like you're getting ready to step out for some golf!
Yeah, I actually skipped crazy hair day since I had class that night. It would have been fun though.
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Wow, Jen. Your picture is quite mild compared to the rest of your team! Looks like you're getting ready to step out for some golf!