Wednesday, October 10, 2007
So I did an online quiz to celebrate being able to stay up 'til midnight. That in itself makes me a dork.

posted by Jenni @ 11:55 PM  |
I was trying to post my results, but it won't allow images in comments.... my scores
Science/Math: 71% Technology/Computer: 85% Sci-Fi/Comic: 63% History/Literature: 31% Dumb/Dork/Awkward: 72%
You're better at History/Literature, and Dumb/Dork/Awkward.... dork
HA HA HA! 9% Sci-Fi! HA HA HA!
I don't know why you're laughing, I thought the goal was not to be a dork.
True! Not a dork, but a NERD. Oh I guess someone people just don't have 'it' :)
and how did you get 9% for sci-fi/comic books..... you realize that X-Men was a comic book long before it was a movie right? Was there no debate of who had the best superpowers when deciding on Wolverine as your favourite? or was it just because he was a hot actor?
Xmen is not Sci-Fi or Comic. It's an Action Adventure Saga. Get it straight!
By the way: Wolverine is hot :D
I've got so many x-men and Wolverine comic books, don't make me ruin your dreams.
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I was trying to post my results, but it won't allow images in comments.... my scores
Science/Math: 71%
Technology/Computer: 85%
Sci-Fi/Comic: 63%
History/Literature: 31%
Dumb/Dork/Awkward: 72%
You're better at History/Literature, and Dumb/Dork/Awkward.... dork