Monday, October 15, 2007
Work went by rather quickly, surprisingly. I was training someone so I had someone to keep me company during the long moments of nothing. I actually had her watch me call the mechanic shop, make arrangements for my car tomorrow, check my email, call my doctor's and make an appointment for Friday, make arrangements to miss some work Friday, makes plans for tomorrow's food day, write a to-do list and so on and so forth. I warned her that the boredom would only get worse and advised her to invest in some coloring books.
I left work, stopped by the bank, and ran errands. Bumped into Landon, who is supposed to be in California, at the Derby WalMart. I was all grungy and caught off guard at the party decoration aisle. He asked what I was up to, to which I mumbled something about National Boss' Day. He looks at my empty cart and says, "Looks like you've got lots of ideas." I hate it when people are smug at me on the same day I'm not wearing make-up. Don't be smug at me until I'm ready for you. Bleh! Well, I'm glad Landon's such a great guy, I'm sure the frumpiness was not held against me at all. He's a sweatheart.
I got home, did some ironing, and am now ready for bed. I have to get up early tomorrow to drop my car off at the mechanics by 7am, and be at work by 8am, and set up for our National Boss' Day/October Birthdays Food Day. Fun stuff. So fun I think I'll live with the guilt of not replying to D's email until tomorrow morning. If he doesn't check this site again, for all he knows, I did wait until the morning to read that email. Hee hee hee! I'm sneaky! D's been nice enough to supply me with emails to keep me occupied at work, but I always seem to catch them right before I get to bed, so he's been having to write atleast two every day. Poor guy. What he doesn't know is I'm collecting them all and compiling them into my next book: "Everything I know about life I learned from D" I've been finding little subliminal messages all along, but from his latest masterpiece he finally came clean:
Anyway, if you don't find this email's length to your satisfaction, I suggest you read more slowly, check it for grammar and spelling errors, and try reading it backwards to see if there are any subliminal messages (I hid the answer to the meaning of life in there).
I so knew it! Anyway, he supposedly might be leaving town again. I'm getting greedy and hoping this time he gets stuck somewhere with no TV so he'll have no other option but to write me tons and tons. =D |
posted by Jenni @ 10:12 PM  |