Monday, October 29, 2007
I will save the vaca synopsis for some other time. Right now I'm busy trying to settle back into work mode, organizing my thoughts and getting ready for the week ahead. I have the Toys for Tots event meeting this afternoon, and a paper due in Spanish I still need to type out. It'll be quite a day of trying to catch up.
The trip was a great success. I even managed to snag an Arkansas magnet to add to my collections. w00t!

Well, no more procrastinating, the sooner I get done with everything I need to do, the sooner I can upload pics and blog, blog, blog! |
posted by Jenni @ 10:51 AM  |
Why did you bold out "vaca" in your little, meaning not long, blog?
So you'd remember next time I said "vaca'd" I don't mean VACATE. And not to confuse you anymore. I'm ubber thoughtful that way =D
Umm, I think its "uber." Otherwise it would rhyme with "flubber."
or you could just say 'vacation' it's only one extra syllable, sound it out.
Wow, you both suck. Maybe it's a Virgo thing.
you've known me for how long? why do you all of a sudden sound surprised that I suck?
I'm not surprised that you suck, I've always known you sucked. I was just amaze that two people could suck to the exact same extent.
Hey, woa! I totally stayed out of it, then you had to lump ME into that last little jab! And to follow your vernacular I believe it would be "Virgo THANG!"
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Why did you bold out "vaca" in your little, meaning not long, blog?