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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Had a pretty long day of too much nothing. Make sense? Eight hours of trying to do homework at work, and not being able to. Granted that's not what I get paid to do, but would have been a whole lot more productive than what I did do. What I did do: I sat around with another newbie, staring at the computer screen since we were slow/dead, walked around and set up some newbies' computers, cleaned my outlook folders, cleaned my cubicle, and twiddled my thumbs. Sound fun? After work I drove to Timbuktu for a quick dinner before class. Class was a slow review for the upcoming test. Drove home. Here I am.

Tomorrow I have to drop the car off at the shop again. Have another eight hours of the same thing I did today. And then some relief: a visit to Oeno.

Some good surprises for the day:

1) D told me to take a picture of "something creative" and while I was backing out of my parking spot outside Timbuktu, I found it.

2) I found something to do with my disposable friends. I am now involved in social experiments. Coming soon, "Pompous vs Pretentious." Two types of people in the same room, who will win out? Stay tuned.
posted by Jenni @ 10:43 PM  
  • At 11:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I so want that "cat" inked on my...left side under my arm. Good job!

    I see you as an evil, no not genius, something else. Evil, though, and someday you'll try to destroy mankind, just to see what people will do.

  • At 8:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Why are they hiring MORE people to sit around & do nothing? Sounds like if they have the disposable payroll, they need to pay the current people better.

  • At 8:44 AM, Blogger Jenni said…

    Actually we're stocking up for the January tax season. But yeah, we'll be overfilled before we get to needing everybody. Oh well. As long as I get mine.

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