Monday, October 22, 2007
I spent an entire weekend giving Ray a free pass for his birthday weekend. My would-be other half for the last 4 years celebrated a milestone, and I will be damned if I let something so trivial as us being broken up ruin his parade. No, not me. I took him out to dinner Friday night for sushi, sake and great (though sometimes awkward) conversation. We followed dinner with a trip to Oeno, so he can observe me in my natural habitat, migrated to Pumphouse to be in neutral territory, and capped the night off with some past midnight snacking at Rene's. Yummy! It was actually great times. Ray kept singing, "free pass! free pass!" the entire night. I do believe it was the best present I could have given him - a break from my vendictive and murderous side =D.
Saturday night Ray had plans to hang out with his friends, and I advised him that since his pass was still valid he was welcome to contact me anytime before 5am to drive him home. I thought he would go balls to the wall and celebrate. To the contrary, by the time he had found me outside Finn's bs'ing with new found friends, I was more intoxicated than he. But never fear, I got us to Rene's to get our chorizo and egg burritos, and then home safe and sound.
Anyway, his birthday weekend has passed and the free pass has expired. Watch out! Hahahahaha! But no drama, I know Eli was very concerned, since he was out of town and not able to run to my rescue if anything did go down. I got a check up text message from him and I was very proud to tell him everything was under control.
Of course, other things also occured for this past weekend, though none I can actually blog about. I bumped into a lot of old friends, and made a lot of new ones, not unlike the weekends prior.
I'm back at work, and my main concern this morning has been, finding time to get my tires balanced (I think a weight was knocked off,) arranging to be able to leave town this weekend, and my Spanish midterm tonight. Fun stuff!
Ready? Get set. Stress! |
posted by Jenni @ 11:17 AM  |