Monday, November 26, 2007
So I do my morning blog, because I didn't have to be at work until 10am. I'm very relaxed laying in bed, jamming, thinking of what I will wear for the day, then I realized - I have a slew of online homework I have to do today! Not just a couple. Basically, 3 hours worth of exercises, and this to add to what I already knew I needed to do which was two collage projects, and an hour's worth of reading. All together, it seemed a bit too much to try to do during my break time at work. So I called in. I literally was in the bathroom standing in my towel already, trying to debate if it was worth missing a day of work for. In the end, school work won the priority war.
So, I've camped out in front of the TV, (the best way I know how to do homework,) and watching C-Span (very interesting,) and I can't do my two collages yet because I've lost my proposals, and I believe it is in another bag in my car. I will brave the cold to get that later, and perhaps also clean the car out a bit. I'm going to start reviewing my Spanish so I can do the online exercises, then find time to do my reading for my XML class. As well, perhaps today, I will find time to: stop by Margarita's to pick up the deposit I put down for last weekend's party, go to the jeweler's to have my new charm put on my bracelet, stop by hobby lobby to get some fabric paint, grab a couple more mags for my collage projects (I feel like a kindergartener all over again,)buy the last present I needed to get for Christmas, wrap christmas presents, and maybe hem a pair of slacks, all before I have to go to class tonight. I mean, if I have to miss out on a full day of work, I might as well make it really worth it, right?
All right, well here goes nothing. |
posted by Jenni @ 10:14 AM  |
Happy Birthday M.Girl! Hope you can find something better to do than homework.
You must not know me, Anonymous, I always find better things to do, and people to do better things with =D.
Thanks for the birthday wishes!
You only have one present left to buy? Seriously? I'll let you start on my shopping list next. :) I'm not even half done.
I have to start "investing" on these Christmas presents a couple months prior, or I'd spend all my money on booze =D
I've been trying to solicit hints on the anonymous commentor, I'm hoping it's my new secret crush, I wish someone would spill. =D
Alas, you miss the point of anonymity. Everything in life can't be easy. :P
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Happy Birthday M.Girl! Hope you can find something better to do than homework.