Thursday, November 29, 2007
So last night after class I agreed to meet Apple and Andrew at Pumphouse to celebrate their wedded bliss. Apple and Andrew were late, as always, so I sat there for awhile until this guy with a foreign accent asked to sit by me at the bar. He was alone so immediately a red flag went up and it read "he is going to try to talk to you."
I tried hard to not look in his direction but he was determined and after hearing my conversation with the bartender, he asked if I was born in the U.S. Usually, not being born in this country is the conversation starter so I just nodded yes, and looked away again. He then proceeded to take the next 30 minutes trying to explain how it was easy for him to tell that I was born here because I had no accent, and that English is a really hard language to learn, blah, blah, blah. Awesome! So not trying to be rude I tried to do my nod, smile and look around routine hoping that would hold out until Apple and Andrew got there.
When they did get there he did not stop talking to me like normal creeps usually do. Normal creeps realize that you are no longer alone and they should no longer interrupt and walk away. Not this one. He told us about how he'd been in the country 7 months from Brazil, he was married for 9 days, last night was the night of his divorce, and I was the first girl he'd talked to in 10 days. So I resigned to the fact that we were stuck with him for the night, it was already past 9:30 and I really did not want to stay late. So to stop the awkward him-talking-us-pretending-to-care conversation I invited him to just play pool with us. Ha! What happened next is freaking hilarious!
He started getting very touchy, started calling me sweety, enough that Apple kept giving me the Ching eyes, and I had to not sit down so I could constantly move away from him. At one instance I was standing with the pool table between me and the table we were sitting at, and Apple came over to talk to me in Tagalog about the situation, then Scott Speedman walked in. Hahahaha! Okay, maybe just a look-a-like. So I start talking about that guy to Apple, but in Tagalog, and somehow the word guapo got said and Foreign Guy's ears perk up. I say, "Oh now he thinks we're talking about him because guapo is the same in Spanish." But I said it in Tagalog of course. Well, then a barrage of naughty Spanish came spilling out of Foreign Guy and I was like "Whoa!" inside but outside pretending I didn't hear an effing word.
(And now comes the best part, the catalyst to the sweetest evening EVAR!)
My friend happened to be over there talking to Scott Speedman and Co. I ran over to him and did my damsel in distress pick up. I said, "I need your help. I need you to go over there and tell that guy we are hooking up so you disapprove of me hanging out with him." To which my friend looked at me like "We're hooking up?" So before he could interject I added, "Not hooking up like (make-out gestures) but you know, pretend hooking up." To which Scott, (all cool like with a the most adorable smirk replies,) "I'll hook up with you for not pretend. Tell him you're going home with me." Instant reaction = The nerve! So I just glared at him, looked back at my friend who was already distracted about something else. Ugh! By that time, Apple and Andrew had already joined me and advised me that Foreign Guy had at this time invited us all to a barbecue at his house, and is now talking to another girl. Hahahahahaha! I hear Scott tell his friends to bail for Biggins, and inside I feel defeat but was not completely distraught since he already gave me the punk kid vibe with one crass remark. Slowly I retreated back to our tiny table to enjoy the rest of the night without creepiness.
Apple and I recapped the night for Andrew who missed out on half the fun because Apple and I kept talking smack in Tagalog. I told him about my semi-crush on Scott, to which he replied, "They said they were going to Biggins." Well, I'm not going to chase down some punk kid, so bleh, we stayed put finished our drinks.
When we got up and I turned around to head to the bar to tab out...Ta da! Scott was sitting the the bar. Hahahahahaha! I position myself right beside him, ask for my tab, and then turn and say "How was Biggins?" I thought it was a smooth move, I was very proud of myself. I'm semi-tempted to write everything we said verbatum but I'll stick to the main points. Somehow I got convinced to stay longer, I think the deal was that I wasn't going home with him, but as a consolation price I'll sit with him while he waits for his friends to get ready to go home. I told Apple and Andrew I was staying and I got one last Ching eye for the night.
So here's how the rest of the night breaks down. Scott wasn't there with friends, he was there with his older brother who just got out of a 4 year relationship. Scott was not drunk, was not wishing he was drunk, he needed to work "in the A.M.", and he was ready to go home an hour ago. We had some semi-bonding until a little cute blonde walked by and he did one of those follow-across-the-room stares. Buzzzzz! Defeated again! I turned around gave up on White Russians and ordered a glass of wine.
They stood beside me and discussed how each other looked familiar, Scott says he thinks he saw her in an airport, on a flight to Denver, she says she's a flight attendant, so it's possible, he says he remembers she was really dressed up, she says she doesn't dress up for Denver - that is her commute, then she remembers she saw him on a flight to L.A. but she thought he lived in L.A. she didn't think she'd ever see him again. Hugs and nice to see you agains. Exit stage left.
At this hour I'm regretting ordering another glass to sip on, I should have already gone home, I am an idiot because this guy with his dark denim, white v-neck tee, zip up jacket, and wool-knit cap, decided to talk to me for about a minute and I deluded myself. How did I forget about the little cute blonde flight attendants that have already staked their claim on guys like him. Ah, whatever. Scott finished his conversation, turns around and he is just another kid to me. He realized I'm no longer chatty, and perhaps realized I'm not quite entertained, he walks around his brother and his brothers friends, a bit aimlessly, and comes in a full circle back to standing beside me.
I feel bad, I look at him, ask him if he's okay. He tells me I'm really pretty, I thank him, and ask if he needed me to buy him a drink. He laughed and told me if he wanted one, he'd get one. Fine. He says he likes my style. I have no clue what he was referring to. I ask him if he's drunk, he says no, just tired. He starts staring at me weird, like trying to read my mind, and I was starting to stare back like sending subliminal messages. I look around to break the transmission, the Megatouch is taken, so I invite him to play pool. Sure he says.
I start to win, and he starts to make bets. If I win I go home with him, if he wins he takes me home. I laughed as a response. His turns comes up and I talk smack because I do. He looks up and looks absolutely sober and serious "Did you want me to run this table?" I say I'd like for him to try. My big mouth! But first game was practice. The second game sealed the deal. It did. Before we were done his brother had sat down, and this time was waiting for him to get ready to go. I lost the game and had no intention of going anywhere but home. He asked for atleast a hug, he got one, he asked to upgrade to a kiss, I gave him one on the cheek. We exchanged numbers and they left. I stayed longer to close my tab and talk to my friend a little bit longer. Head home, and get a phone call.
Hahahahaha, bitin! That's where the story ends.
I liked recapping last night because it was very eventful. Plus, who would have known I would find Scott Speedman in Wichita. The resemblance was uncanny, everything matched. The face, the body, the mannerisms. Not like I know how Scott Speedman acts in his daily life, but I think it would be the same to my Scott. Ah, this just proves that being picky pays off. Because when you settle for second best, you end up making yourself unavailable for when the perfect one comes walking past. Hee hee hee! |
posted by Jenni @ 11:51 AM  |
you owe me money for making me read all of that
I liked the story! :) Bedtime stories at Jenni's!!
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you owe me money for making me read all of that