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Sunday, December 02, 2007

Mom and Dad went to the ER early in Friday morning, it wasn't until mid day when I found out what happened. Dad is doing well, (with the help of some very strong pain meds,) and has managed to start walking around and be sociable to the rest of the house. As well, Mom's citizenship ceremony was the same day, and with Dad sick she had to go it alone. That was also difficult because it's a big milestone. But she was feeling sick herself so I doubt she had time to sulk. From what I heard, while I was busy at work, Mom and Dad were both out cold. Good for them.

So basically, Friday morning was not the best days to wake up, but I woke up three times. The first time was to be told my parents were going to the hospital, the second was to be told I was back up for in case Dad had to stay for observation and Mom had to leave for her citizenship, and the third was to go to work. By the time it was time for me to actually get up and get ready for work I was already worn out. It was a big day, however, so I had no choice but to keep chugging.

I had a pile of KB articles to correct and push through, I was organizing the holiday gift exchange at work and had reminder emails to send out, sometime mid-day was a mandatory meeting to attend, and Friday was also the day before the Toys for Tots event so everything was down to the wire. I was multitasking like crazy, basically trying to be everywhere all at once, and still available to my phone because (well, duh) that's my primary job. It was hectic and by the end of the day I was ready to just crash.

My social obligations as they were, however, I had also arranged for my coworkers (those that were unable to join us at Margarita's for my birthday bash) to be able to do make-up partying at O'brien's with me. So that's where I was. I meant to go home early, but really, when do I ever. Got home at 1:30am, got up at 6am, and was back at work around 8am.

Saturday was the Toys for Tots event at work. It was to start at 10am. Got there two hours early to find all the balloons we blew up the day before, including the balloon arch, had all fallen flat. Ah! What a great hangover morning surprise! I pulled it all together, however, just to find that the gal that had volunteered to be my photographer was not there. She showed up two hours late, and was basically stuck to her cell. Granted, she had a huge relationship problem she was trying to deal with, but the Santa we were assigned to take pictures of kids with, was our bosses' boss' boss. "Please, let's try to just make it through without f-ing up noticeably," I prayed.

Obviously I survived. After that I just wanted to take a nap forever. Which I did, sort of. Thank goodness I have a good support system to go "home" too. Nice relaxing night, a peak into the computer now and then, some good TV time, and a nice back massage. *Sigh!*

For today I need to catch up, get some work started for the new week ahead. I have more and more KB articles to write, Tuesday one of the trainees will have a birthday so tomorrow is my day to plan it, we are doing our gift exchange drawing in the afternoon, and I have an exam in Spanish for tomorrow night. What fun times ahead!

posted by Jenni @ 6:13 PM  
  • At 11:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    OH my gosh you're too busy!!! You're going to find yourself sick again!

  • At 11:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    By-the-way, I think it's a good time to repost your remaining birthday to Christmas wish list. I know what I'm getting you but for the rest...

  • At 11:53 AM, Blogger Jenni said…

    JC is my buddy!

    Jesus, is that you? =D

  • At 9:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yes, my child. We haven't spoken in awhile.......

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