Friday, April 25, 2008
Adam and I trid to figure out a specific date when we got together, but couldn't. It's my fault. I remember he said something about dating and I corrected him and said "We're not dating, we're talking" or something to that effect. Of course afterwards I went whining to Jennifer about how I was already "dating" someone and fucked it up =D. So it took a minute before we could get back there. Ah. So to get an official date we scanned through my blackberry and tried to find the most logical point of officiality and I think we agreed on March 16th which is the day I was "Tooken Via SMS". But it seems like forever ago! Probably because we manage to bicker like old married people. Bleh!
So, this whole week was not as productive as I had wished. Monday I spent doing all my catch up homework for Astronomy, and then went to class to find out that there was an exam that night. Thank God I read almost every chapter so I was pretty much prepared. Tuesday I started cleaning, threw my bedsheets and comforter in the wash. Of course, all lazily so I didn't get a lot of cleaning accomplished. I also drove to El Dorado to drop off the Relay for Life moneys. Then I met Adam for dinner and then went to class. After class went to Adam's and spent the night. Wednesday I had a doctor's appointment early in the afternoon, and Jennifer was feeling sick so after that I went straight to their house to hang out with her and the kids. She made me spam and rice. That was awesome. I think that is the best reason to visit her. That night I spent at Adam's again.
Thursday, yesterday, I was going to stay at home and finish most of my to-do's. Around mid-afternoon Eli offers me tickets to the Midwest Winefest. I guess he had got the tickets for his mom and she wasn't feeling good. So I went and picked the tickets up from Eli from his work, and got Adam and from 5:30pm we were walking around touring downtown. It was actually pretty fun. Let me see if I can go through the walk - we started at Loft 150, then Playa Azul, then Indigo, skipped Heroes to go to Torre's because they had Chianti, went to Kansas Sports Hall of Fame, Uptown Bistro, Oscar's at Warren (this is where it started hitting me that I was getting buzzed), then City Arts, then Cafe Moderne, then Marriott and then Liquid. We skipped a few places like Brickyard and Oeno but only because of convenience and lack of interest. Eleven places in all though, that's a lot of wine. And each place had fingerfoods. My most memorable would have been the stuffed mushrooms from Loft 150 and the baby-what-were-those form Playa Azul. Oh, and the gelato from Cafe Moderne. It was awesome. I'm so glad Adam is the type of person that enjoys doing stuff like that. So far, he's my going to see local bands buddy (except certain bands that he does not want to see), my walking stupid trails buddy, my reading books at night buddy, and now my winefest buddy. Soon I hope to be cosmosphere and zoo buddies too.
Anyway, there's more left over to do today. I have to pack for the overnight Relay for Life, and most likely pack for the rest of the weekend so I'm not driving between three different cities. By 5pm I'll be setting up for Relay for Life, the walk starts at 7pm. The even itself ends by 7am. I think after that Phi Tetta members will have a breakfast together and then go to the Poverty Simulation starting at 9am. That ends at noon, at which point I'm hoping to see if Adam will harbor me at his house and allow me to shower. His sister is supposed to be in town and I think we are all going out. Sunday back to the grind stone and another math quiz. I have three papers still to write. Thursday is an officer's meeting and then a member's meeting for Phi Tetta. Friday, is an Officer Workshop that they say is required for me to attend. Friday night is Adam's band's show. Saturday I have to be at the Wichita Art Museum between 12:30pm - 3pm to find an artwork to write my term paper on, the time is basically when my professor will be there. Ugh! And of course, the week after that is finals week. Woohoo!
Okay, I better get started before I ovderwhelm myself completely. Below is the music vid I've been trying to get Adam to watch. But I think he's a bit of a music snob so I'll just force it upon everyone else. I keep telling him that song is almost about him except he's not a girl. Especially the part that goes "wants to make love when I want to fight" because he does. Well he always does I guess, hmmm...
posted by Jenni @ 11:49 AM  |