Thursday, November 09, 2006
These past two days were the most fun filled. I've been able to stay home and hang out with Logan, and I've been able to do more studying and organizing. Currently catching up on some TV shows I missed going out last night.
Tuesday, Becky gave me my birthday/Christmas presents. I got Victoria Secret smell-good lotion. I wore the sensual one last night and I felt sensual all night so I know it works =P I also got a special ordered bracelet. Becky had to special order it to have yellow gold put in it. She knows me so well. And then some migraine medicine, 'coz she looks out for me too.

We ate dinner Tuesday at PF Chang's with chicken lettuce wrap, mongolian beef with eggplants instead of scallions and banana spring rolls. She loved it, and now she knows why it's my fave.
We went out for a bit, a had sake at Chang's so not a lot of drinking afterwards. Just megatouching.
Wednesday I was set to just clean and study. I went out to run one errand and ended up getting the best phone call! They have set my interview for the spot I've been dying for. Ahhhhhhhhh! Lieutenant was going to wait until Thursday to give me my packet but I couldn't stand the excitement so I asked him to just leave it at the front desk and I came by to pick it up.

I went to the mall and I was going to buy myself shoses for the big day. Unfortunately, as always I had a hard time finding ones I love. And I can't settle for anything less than what I love. So instead I bought myself a new 14k belly button ring. Because I deserve it.
I'm also planning on getting my tongue re-pierced after my whole crowning ordeal. No not crowning into royalty, but crowning of my teeth. Besides it wouldn't be good to do my interview unable to speak.
I got a congratulations present from a friend of mine, so thoughtful. A leather zip-up ring binder, he'd been holding on to it, or so he says, because he knew I would get it. I feel so official. Hee hee! But I haven't gotten the job yet, so cross your fingers. I don't enjoy the crash and burn.
I'm so happy for all my friends that take care of me and support me. Even Jacob who constantly disappears into the night to talk to his girlfriend on the phone. Also to BobbyJ, for helping me try to locate Jacob in the Men's restroom. Thank you! BTW, Jacob wasn't in there he was outside on the phone. And of course my Becky. Who also bought our dinner last night at Old Chicago. Yeah, I mentioned it again, hahahahahahahaha!
Well, Logan's home sick from school today and Matt's picking him up at noon...or so he says =P So I'm gonna chill with him before work. Bye, bye everyone! |
posted by Jenni @ 10:18 AM  |