Monday, November 20, 2006
Becky left Friday morning, which was a little bittersweet. Of course, I'll be seeing her again when I make it to Memphis in May, so not too far to go. Seems like this whole week flew by.
Friday night I met Brandon and his friends at Indigo. It was pretty...interesting. I've already given Brandon enough grief about it so I'll spare the rest of you. Saturday went to the Pumphouse with Brandon. He managed to finally win a couple rounds of pool, and seems to be just as addicted to Megatouching as I am. Oops! I also bumped into Greg, Sean and Kevin, some old buddies from way way back.
Today I was tempted to call in but didn't. I felt a little ill but since it was all my fault (was out every night since Monday) I decided I'd have to tough it out. Work Kevin did confirm I felt a little warm. Poor me.
Anyway, I decided to stay in tonight and get some much needed rest. Brandon has to work Monday and Tuesday then gets another four day holiday so I'm hoping he'll invite me to do something Wednesday. HINT HINT.
Either way, i just finally finished Bill's Bukowski book that he lent me, and I returned it with a little apology note for taking so long. I'm back to my Crime and Punishment book again, and hopefully I can finally finish reading it with no interruptions.
BTW, I know I'm lacking pics but I left the picture taking to Becky and she is yet to upload so everyone be patient. I know there's a real good one in there that I want a copy of, but probably won't post since I don't want Jake to get in trouble with his gf =D
Night! |
posted by Jenni @ 12:30 AM  |
I uploaded pics to photobucket, but now it's giving me issues when I try to share the album. As soon as it loses its attitude, I'll get that emailed.
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I uploaded pics to photobucket, but now it's giving me issues when I try to share the album. As soon as it loses its attitude, I'll get that emailed.