Sunday, November 26, 2006
Not just another birthday. Possibly the best birthday ever. I don't even know what I did to deserve all these loving people around me. I seriously woke up this morning in the worst mood ever and now I don't even know why. I was sulking all day at work thinking no one cares, it's just another freakin' birthday, no one has planned anything, there's nothing special. So I thought I'll go out and drink and celebrate my own way and it'll pass just like every other day.
I planned on being at the Anchor with Eli. Brandon calls and asks if I'm going to see him tomorrow. I think probably not since Sunday is usually my day of rest, he says he got me a present so he will go out tonight to deliver it to me. A present? From a guy I've known a week and a half at the most? Hahahahahahaha! He jokes and says it's a puppy and since he boxed it he has to give it to me before it runs out of air. Well, atleast he knows I've been wanting a puppy.
I meet him at the Anchor introduce him to Eli, and surprisingly enough they get along. Dorks! We mix old inside jokes and new inside jokes seemlessly. Sara and Megan walk in and it's an immediate party. It turns midnight. Happy Birthday! The whole night was an absolute blast. I think Megan and Brandon might hook up. Ooh La La! <- new inside joke.
When it's time to leave we hug and I open my present in solitude in my car. I think I should've waited til I was home or til I was sober because I was ripping the wrapping and that's not usually my custom. My first present (because there was a few in the bag) was a good luck kitty. This almost made me cry.

Anyone who knows me knows I'm a very sentimental person. I couldn't believe that of all people Brandon would be the one to get this about me. All week we had been talking about the good luck kitties in the Chinese restaurants and how hilarious they were. He said he always wanted one, and I told him I want the one with the arms that move because that is freaky cool. And that's what I got. Immediately I thought, "This is so worth reading the card first." I was right.

First of all, he has taken to calling me a Micro. Thanks, Becky. Because I'm sure I never mentioned that to him. Secondly, he got me a puppy! So sweet! And he's taken to attacking my age because I've taken to calling him old. He's 28, and so I pick on him and say he'll still die before I do =)
Oh, and while we were in the Anchor he gave hints that my present would get me over my slump, but it's not a sex toy. (Yeah, he's funny too.) So my third present I opened...

...which I'm wearing tomorrow. And for the finale the best present ever which needs a little introduction -
Wednesday we went to lunch and then since we were both not working decided to go shopping for a new cellphone for him. We didn't find a phone so we decided to go bowling. I was wearing a sweater and it was nice out so I told him since we were at the mall I need to buy a shirt to change into so I'm not so hot. (By the way he offered to buy the shirt for me but I told him not to because that would have been weird.) While we were trying to find me a shirt I saw a crochet top that almost looked like a dress and I pointed at it and said "I could so rock that." He said, yes, and that was it. No one else would have thought twice.

Need I say more?
Tomorrow Ching and Brian are coming over before I go to work again. I'm supposed to have Tuesday and Wednesday off, but I might try to work Tuesday and get Thursday off instead since that's Brandon's day off and he said he wanted to go out for dinner. We might try to hook up with Megan and Sara again, we'll see. Either way I know for sure I have more presents, atleast from Ching, but I probably won't get to blog it unitl tomorrow night so I wanted to get these in now. I called Brandon before I drove off of the Anchor parking lot to let him know these are the absolute best presents and how much I loved them.
Happy birthday to me! |
posted by Jenni @ 3:42 AM  |
Tell him thanks from me too for further damaging our relationship which I was trying to salvage. Thanks Brandon. Jen you know how much I love you...why are you doing this to me?
Happy birthday!!
Tell Brandon I hate him right now for showing me up. :(
Hope the rest of your day is absolutely fantastic.
Yeah, Ray Ray's dramatics doesn't let up. Not even for birthdays. Hi, Ray Ray!
Oh, and Becky I still love your presents. I am in different moods depending on which lotion I put on. Yesterday I was Confidence. I think today I'll be Comfort =D
I would like to apologize for my previous comment. It was inappropriate and immature. I'm going to now try to make myself a better person and I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused. And from now on I'll leave you alone and not check your website anymore. Sorry again babe, you deserve better. -Ray
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Tell him thanks from me too for further damaging our relationship which I was trying to salvage. Thanks Brandon. Jen you know how much I love you...why are you doing this to me?