Friday, December 01, 2006
Currently in the Computer Lab in Clinton Hall at WSU. Yeah, wrong school, I know. I came with Ray to drop off his entrance paper for the MBA program - he passed the GMAT! So he decided to enroll for his classes online while we're here since I guess he was having problems with it at home. So here we are. And I'm dutifully pretending I'm studying. =D
Brandon took me to Red Lobster the other night which was awesome. We went to the Pumphouse for a bit but did not stay out late. We were fairly distraught, and I'm sure Becky will be too, when we found out that the high scores were erased out of one of the MegaTouch machines. Poop on them!
I ended up at work last night but being the first snow day of the season it was very slow. I basically browsed the web on my IPAQ and played MP3's all night. Today I start my four day holiday which is gonna be awesome.
I bought a new pair of knee high suede boots this morning that I plan on wearing with the skirts I got tailored. One of the skirts was a Christmas present from Ching from almost three years back so I'm hoping she'll be happy that I'll finally get to wear them. They're all Abercrombie skirts from Ching, she is my closet benafactor. I'm hoping the tailor Mom referred me to didn't ruin them. Two were chiffon and the other was silk. After this errand Ray will be driving me to pick the skirts up and to get some clothes from Mom's house. I'll be a snow bunny in a skirt for tonight.
Well, no pics uploaded yet, but really I'm not that late considering Becky still hasn't sent any from when she was in town. I'm going to go ahead and end this post to check movie times - I'm waiting for the new Christopher Walken movie to come out.
P.S. Ching, I will take pics of the skirts when I wear them just for you =D |
posted by Jenni @ 1:20 PM  |
Thank you for the drunk dial. Glad to see I'm not forgotten. :)
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Thank you for the drunk dial. Glad to see I'm not forgotten. :)