Wednesday, July 30, 2008
7:05 am - At work writing all this down on Notepad, because I know I'll get interrupted intermittently but really still have enough time to write a novel. The new job is going better than expected. It's a new project being rolled out from a different branch. (I guess they are laying off.) There are only 20 in our team to take over this new project, but they are rolling it out at such a slow pace that really, there's not much to do...yet.
The new 7 am - 4pm schedule is starting to wreak. But I need it, because classes are about to start and it's the only schedule that will allow me to be at my Spanish Reading class semi-on time. (It starts at 4pm.) Last night I went to bed at 6pm, just so I could wake up this morning with enough time to do necessary grooming, like showering and brushing my teeth. I hope I won't have to go to bed at 6pm every night to keep up with this schedule. I blame the need to sleep for 12 hours on the medicine. I started taking it at 3pm so that I know for sure after midnight the effects have somehow subsided. Here's hoping that works.
8:08 am - Most of the crew is slowly staggering in. That means less than 40 minutes left before my first break. Desperately needing a smoke. The new meds don't help with the random anxiety attacks.
The Spanish qeue is across the pod from my team. I'm thinking I'll make new friends, so they can help me with my Spanish classes. Not a bad plan, right? Oh, and as well, I'm sure Eli will ask to be hooked up. Hahahahaha! I better start looking around for a good candidate.
9:55 am - They "found" us something to do. I have 9 calls to make for this morning and 5 left to do. The system is moving so slow however I can most likely blog a paragraph or two in between calls. Nice!
Somehow I got assigned Mother Goose of the team without me knowing it. Random questions come to me in regards to how to do things, work wise, and even though I know the answer I keep wondering why some of them go all the way across the office past our supervisor to ask me. And the guy beside me just spent 20 minutes talking out loud about an account and repeated "I'll just call them anyway" about 10 times, before I turned around and asked, "Are you talking to me?" And (a little bit rudely) replied, "do what you want to do, I'm not (enter supervisor's name here)." Sorry, I guess I am a bit irrate this morning.
Less than 45 minutes to go before lunch.
7:31 am - I guess I was busy from lunch on. After work I met Adam at Ajuua for dinner. We went back home afterwards and I tried to watch 21 on DVD, but only got through half of it. Adam had a show at Lizard's Lounge. I met him there, he had to stop by the band house to get his gear, and hung out and ate pizza with him until 9ish, and then I bailed to go to bed.
I spent the night at Adam's and had the weirdest dream. Adam had stuck around the bar instead of coming home after playing like he had told me, and somehow found himself in jail. So I was frantic trying to get him out. I woke up alone in bed, and called Adam's cell - it was 1:30am. He was in the living room unable to sleep. He got in bed with me and everything was better. Woke up this morning and got to work with 10 minutes to spare. Always a plus.
Today I'm eating the pizza leftover from Lizard's for lunch, and I also packed a Red Bull for after lunch. Sleepy still. Missing the bed with Adam still in it and all the pillows to surround us. |
posted by Jenni @ 7:35 PM  |
Sunday, July 27, 2008
I can't believe I haven't posted since the 15th. What happened? I usually write in chronological order but maybe this time I'll try to do a back track. Seriously, where did the time go?
Currently sitting in my room, about to do some laundry, eat dinner and crash. My new permanent schedule is 7am - 4pm. It is going to be a chore just getting up early every morning. Just got home from spending half of last week at Adam's. We watched another movie today, Stepbrothers, which was as hilarious as I expected. I didn't plan on watching a movie this weekend since Adam bought a new TV this week but he said he was up for it. New TV usually means sitting in awe of the new toy for atleast a week or two, but I guess not. He's been thinking about getting a flat screen for weeks now, especially more since he got in the new house. Yesterday, when I decided I needed a nap, he decided to go to BestBuy and came home with his new toy. We will have to rent more movies instead of going out, to make up for what he spent. Friday night I was going to camp out in El Dorado, but I couldn't get a hold of Jen to get a sleeping bag, so I stayed out in Wichita instead. Same story for Thursday, drove to El Dorado after work, took advantage of the burger cook out and drove back. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday was mostly work except one of those days I had blood work done in the morning. Don't ask me which day, I'm still backtracking.
I've mainly been focusing on the new job. All this past week and the week before that. The weekend before, I worked at the bar on Friday night, got cut early and hung out with Adam. (Of course that means I didn't make money.) And Saturday I watched The Dark Knight with Adam and his cousin. That was another awesome movie.
The bar job has been more part time than anything. Which is still cool. Wednesday night I came by and got a check enough to cover my gas for the rest of the week =D. I'll probably keep working so long as they only schedule me the weekends. It's extra money (not a lot but enough) and it keeps me out of trouble on the weekends. I figure Fridays and Saturdays used to eat up all my money, so as long as I'm on the clock and not spending money, it's a good deal.
Adam and I are doing AWESOME! Actually, I can't believe we've been dating for almost 6 months now. Time has really flown by this past few weeks too. Getting really comfortable, especially since he moved out of the band house and we get a lot more alone time. Fewer fights, or atleast they don't escalate and last as long. I actually noticed last week that I get more attention than I really should. Adam is really good about that. He gives me enough baby talk and cuddle time, usually between us getting off work and him leaving for band practice. He's really good about making sure I get to talk to him on the phone before I go to bed, when I'm not spending the night at his house. He stocks his freezer with Snicker ice cream, and now Twix ice cream, just for me. He does so much for me, and I am very spoiled from all of it. I think I finally found someone who is to me what Daddy is for Mom. (Because we all know Daddy spoils Mom and humors her more than he should most the time.) Well, let's try not to jinx things. This new medicine might be making me more optimistic than usual. =D
Okay, I have to do laundry and get to bed early. Sorry if that recap left you more confused than anything. I seriously have no time these days. I hope it settles down soon. Classes are about to start. Uh-oh! |
posted by Jenni @ 7:18 PM  |
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
I sat down to blog and thought about blogging on how this week went by fast. But it didn't/hasn't, it's still only Tuesday. *Sigh* Well, for it only being Tuesday, a lot has sure gone on. Enough to entitle for an early weekend. If only, right?
Well, I'm still in training for the new job. We have "out-of-town" trainers in this week so the information has been intensive and stressed to the max since Monday. Also, Adam is starting to get used to his new house, and cooked spaghetti for us for dinner last night. (Take note, Becky:) Dinner was followed by Snicker Ice Cream dessert. As my coworker commented this afternoon, "It sounds like love." =D
I actually left my jewelry at his house last night by accident, and thought it was an opportune time to get some more ice cream after work. To my surprise, Adam offered to make dinner again, and this time my ice cream was preceded by hamburger and chips. Bebi is so domesticated! The way I'm getting pampered, I know someone somewhere is whining about how spoiled I already was to begin with, and to that I stick my tongue out and say "Nah-nah-boo-boo!" or roughly translated "Suck it!" I'm actually between 97 lbs to 99 lbs now, depending on what time of the day you catch me and if I'm wearing heavy shoes or not. It's like heaven!
Tonight I'm finishing off some laundry. I'm hoping to be able to pick out my clothes for the rest of the week, and maybe even pack some and spend a couple nights at Adam's house. Not just for the perks of having a cuddle buddy, but also because he is conveniently a block away from my work. If I didn't know any better, I would think he geographically mapped out the most suitable house for our relationship. The man is an evil genius.
Anyway, a couple of notable notes:
My friend Heidi has volunteered to color my hair for me. It will be a surprise. I trust her because she's done my other friend's hair color a couple of times. It's also about 75% cheaper than going to a salon.
Jennifer - I need camping gear again, for Phi Theta's summer planning weekend at El Dorado lake. A sleeping bag, and a tent if you have one available.
I have a ginormous to do list. As always it includes cleaning my car and my closet. Yeah, who am I kidding? Someday. |
posted by Jenni @ 7:40 PM  |
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Adam and I just watched Hellboy II: The Golden Army this afternoon. It was AWESOME!
posted by Jenni @ 7:53 PM  |
Thursday, July 10, 2008
I want this movie released on DVD asap, so I can get scared shitless in the comfort of my own home.
posted by Jenni @ 4:19 PM  |
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Last blog was Monday, June 23rd. June 26th was the grand opening of the bar I work at so I worked there from 8 to close. I also worked that Friday and Saturday.
Saturday I made the most money out of the weekend only because I was on the beer tub. There's a lot to be learned about human nature in general that can be seen easily from a beer tub platform, but I'll save that all for another blog.
Sunday, has now become Adam and I's matinee movie date day, and we spent that watching Wanted. The ending sucks, but the ride along is pretty action packed, so I didn't regret the money spent. (Though I don't think I actually spent any money, hmmm.)
Monday was starting a new job. No longer at the old 9-to-5 gig. Now starting a new one. Or had started. So since that Monday, I have been in training for a new company. The new company was nice enough to allow me July 7th off, for prior arrangements/plans I had made to be in Memphis.
Adam and I left Thursday afternoon, in another car rental. The ride to was a bit iffy, comming across a couple storm showers in Arkansas and arriving in Memphis late in the night. We basically said our hello's to our hostesses and went straight to bed. Becky and Wayne were nice enough to let us sleep in for everyday we were there. Becky had bacon and pancakes ready for breakfast the next day.
Friday in Memphis, our 4th of July, we toured Sun Studio, where Johnny Cash, BB King, and Elvis Presley to name a few, have recorded their earlier albums. We ate some awesome barbecue, and then toured the Gibson Factory, where Adam's guitar was born. Also, they had by the river a free concert and fireworks. Adam was excited about the concert because of 10 Years being the headliners. He was fairly amped and singing along, it was adorable.
Saturday in Memphis, still sleeping in, and I think I also took a nap somewhere in the middle. We "toured" Beale street for that night. Not much to report except the smoking ban sucks! Oh, and I discovered Snickers Ice Cream!
Sunday slept in, and napped again. Weighed myself and I had gained 3 lbs during the visit. Woohoo, me! I give thanks to Becky and Wayne for feeding me and letting me finish off their Snickers Ice Cream. Also, all four of us did the matinee movie double date and saw Hancock. Which is a lot awesomer than Wanted. Of all the summer action movies out, this one has to be seen in theaters. It's too hilarious and action packed. It's like the movie equivalent of ... Snickers Ice Cream.
Anyway, some pictures to view:

BTW, we drove back Sunday night to ensure we returned the rental by 2pm the next day. And then most of Monday was spent helping Adam move into the new house. (Another story about that coming soon.) But basically I've been back at work, and still in vacation mode. But everyone wanted an effing blog so here it is. I am tired and cranky now. Send Snickers Ice Cream to console me. |
posted by Jenni @ 8:29 PM  |