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Sunday, July 29, 2007

It's funny, because I remember singing this song when I was in 8th grade in the lunch line. I should have learned my lesson then. =D

Pearl Jam - Better Man

Waitin, watchin the clock, its four oclock, its got to stop
Tell him, take no more, she practices her speech
As he opens the door, she rolls over...
Pretends to sleep as he looks her over
She lies and says shes in love with him, cant find a better man...
She dreams in color, she dreams in red, cant find a better man...
Cant find a better man
Cant find a better man

Talkin to herself, theres no one else who needs to know...
She tells herself, oh...
Memories back when she was bold and strong
And waiting for the world to come along...
Swears she knew it, now she swears hes gone
She lies and says shes in love with him, cant find a better man...
She dreams in color, she dreams in red, cant find a better man...
She lies and says she still loves him, cant find a better man...
She dreams in color, she dreams in red, cant find a better man...
Cant find a better man
Cant find a better man

She loved him, yeah...she dont want to leave this way
She needs him, yeah...thats why shell be back again
Cant find a better man
Cant find a better man
Cant find a better man
Cant find a better...man...
Uh huh...
posted by Jenni @ 8:09 AM   0 comments

Saturday, July 28, 2007

I got my 4.0 GPA for the semester. And now I'm scrambling to see which of my to-do's I want to start on first knowing I only have 3 weeks before the whole school thing starts all over again.

Friday at work was not as bad. I wore a pink wife beater than Jen gave me and paired it with an old sweater vest just to make it more work appropriate. She refused to ride the elevator to see me so I was forced to beg my friend to take a pic to send to Flickr for her. She is bossy!


She also sent emails that the JCPenney pics of the boys are ordered and on their way. Fun stuff. The previews below:

After work Ray and I went to eat dinner at Carino's which is always Yummy! Then we went to watch Transformers. That was relaxing since we sort of stopped watching movies when finals came along. Now we're catching up. Transformers was the best movie to start back up with. IT WAS AWESOME! When we left the theatre and was walking towards my car, I kept wishing it would transform. And I wouldn't ask my car to transform into a newer model or a different make, that would be too much. I'd just ask it to clean itself now and then.

Anyway, currently, my plans are 1. eat, 2. laundry, 3. eat, 4. clean car, 5. nap, 6. eat, 7. pack, 8. drive to Ray's, 9. rent and watch movie, 10. eat. I think I might be getting hungry.
posted by Jenni @ 10:44 AM   0 comments

Thursday, July 26, 2007

I was reading the Kansas.Com news, like I tend to do in the mornings and read the bit about LSI and the recent lay offs. First and foremost, most of the angry comments were filled with typos. Can't blame companies for outsourcing when the locals can't even be bothered to learn how to spell or type. But one comment did inspire a reply, but I'll reply on my own site for everyone else to read.

Taken from Kansas.Com

"I'm one of the 225 and I can tell you, IT HURTS.

$10/hr? $15/hr HA! Try three chickens and a burro. That's what workers in Guadalajara will receive as their pay. Quality of product already arriving from this contractor is poor at best so let's give them ALL the business, right?

It's all about money, Executive money, that is. They have to make sure they get their precious year-end bonuses.

Regular people make bad decisions in the workplace, they get fired. CEOs make bad decisions such as our INSIPID Agere buyout and regular people lose their jobs.

They told us what a 'difficult decision this is'. No, difficult is not being able to make your house payment. Difficult is not being able to support your family. The most difficult decision these bloodsuckers have to make is whether to buy the 500 series Mercedes or the 700 series BMW.

I'm educated, I'll make it OK. Most of the affected are not. Wish them luck. Thanks a lot LSI, you were ONCE a great company.

Posted by: Frustrated beyond belief"

Lay offs happen. Ask this person if they were "Frustrated Beyond Belief" when the lay offs happened at Boeing. No, back then, they were probably sitting pretty. C'mon, people get hired and people get fired. Just like people have babies and people die. Don't blame the company. It's life. You start a business to make money, right? Yes, greed. You want that luxury? Start your own business.

This comes from the view of someone who has never had a long term career or employment. Granted I most often quit than get fired. But I've been a temp before, and when they no longer need you they let you go. I could get frustrated, or I could just work harder to make myself more marketable. Better yet, I can work towards being one of those "Executives" with nothing better to worry about than picking out the best car. Personally, I would choose a Lexus.
posted by Jenni @ 7:43 AM   2 comments

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Britney Spears. If she wasn't so famous, she'd be just another disgrace to the trailer park.
posted by Jenni @ 6:50 PM   1 comments

Where was I when this happened? I could have had the best questions EVAR!
posted by Jenni @ 6:48 PM   0 comments
I had my final exam in Spanish last night, and turned in my final program. What else is left? I've got a consult with my Spanish teacher, to see my final grade, tonight from 7:15pm to 7:25pm. After work, I will try to resell my books from this semester for some extra gas money (because I'm not expecting much back) before heading there.

Thursday, I've got my programming class still, but since I've already turned in my final project, I'm basically just there for my participation points. Planning on milking those extra points as much as I can, still working towards that 4.0. And that's it, expect for another tee time this weekend which is really fun.

Have I mentioned that I lost 8 strokes from the Friday previous to last Friday? Yeah, getting better, and looking forward to this weekend to see what I end up with. This time I'm working on losing less than 3 golf balls on the course.
posted by Jenni @ 7:33 AM   2 comments

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Sirius and XM back in the limelight. Doubtful they will stay there, though.
posted by Jenni @ 5:58 PM   0 comments

Monday, July 23, 2007

Uh-oh, Jen, sounds like your girl, Angelina Jolie, is in the news again. Call me sometime, and I'll tell you about the movie Brad is starring in with former fiancee Gwyneth Paltrow that Angie is now going crazy about.

posted by Jenni @ 6:29 PM   4 comments
Yay to the beginning of the the last week of summer semester! Yay, to almost being done! Yay, for another (cross your fingers) possible 4.0 semester! Yay!

Just for kicks, some Monday afternoon lovings -

posted by Jenni @ 6:19 PM   2 comments

Sunday, July 22, 2007


Filipino "Parties" - a chance for your mother and all her friends to gossip, ask personal questions about when YOU plan on getting married, where your BOYFRIEND is at that very moment, what YOU plan on doing with your life and then forget everything while playing mah-jong, so they can gossip about the same things and ask the same questions all over again for the next "party". All of this while you try to embelish how great things are going for you right now, and lie about how unwed life is so absolutely what you were wanting and that "BOYFRIEND" is away by mutual choice and then hope that the next time they ask, you can remember everything you said and support it all over again. And possibly with more embelishments.
posted by Jenni @ 9:51 PM   0 comments
I went to my 9am tee time Saturday morning and though I'm still far from being a pro, I did lose 8 strokes from last week's game. Hung out with Ray for most of Saturday just trying to unwind, and watched "Hide and Seek" (really creepy movie). Got to Mom's early this morning to help her set up for her dinner party. I say I came out on top with this one, because I not only get free food for dinner, I also got gas money for picking up the food she had ordered from the barbecue place.

Monday again tomorrow, but not as shabby since that start my final week of the summer semester. I've already threatened my instructors into giving me A's so I'm not as worried. I have a final project for programming to turn in and a final exam for Spanish on Tuesday, and THAT is it! w00t!

To commemorate - an old favorite song, "Dreamlife of Rand McNally". I love singing along to songs like this, not just because the song in itself is catchy and hilarious, but because the words go so fast you get bragging rights just for keeping up. Sort of like when I finally learned to sing "It's The End of The World" by REM, I kept waiting for the opportunity to show off, cause that's mad skills! Anyway, learn the words and we can sing along together.

Yes, it's my main man Mraz again. My geek chic wanna be rock star dream lover. =D Get use to him.
posted by Jenni @ 6:07 PM   3 comments
posted by Jenni @ 5:56 PM   0 comments

Friday, July 20, 2007

I finally get a little room to breathe and this is what I'm doing...catching up the blog. (And adding MySpace friends because I just got b*tched at that I haven't added my coworker who requested to be added since Tuesday.) Sorry, to everyone, I have been really busy.

Finally, uploading pics from my digi cam I found Logan's last baseball practice I attended which was on May 31st. Unfortunately, due to my summer class schedule I was unable to go to any other ones after that. I haven't discussed with the "coach" their schedule yet but hopefully with this semester winding down I can still catch a couple. Anyway here are some pics and a video.

Baseball Practice

Baseball Practice

Baseball Practice

Wow! That kid cannot stand still for more than 3 seconds, he must be my boy!

After those files, the next were of his birthday party last weekend, July 14th. Only a couple pictures, it was such a fun day I actually didn't feel like standing in the background flashing my camera instead of just joining in.

Logan's Birthday

Logan's Birthday

Logan's Birthday

Logan's Birthday

Logan's Birthday

Logan's Birthday

Logan's Birthday

Just for kicks, and to throw everything out of sync, here's a pic Jen took of Logan and I on the actual day of his birthday, July 13th, which I really really like. A framed 8 x 10 of this picture would be really appreciated (hint-hint).

Logan And I

So after the most hectic month of my life coming to a close, with only one final project and one final exam left to go, I come home to unwind. How is that done, you ask? By getting beat by your 7 year old son in every imaginable game.

He's pretty good, that game is hard. I think I sprained my wrist a little even =D

Anyway, my schedule hasn't eased up any so please be patient. I'm rarely checking email anymore, (MySpace is not even existent to me right now except for that one coworker, because I promised), I don't ever have time to blog, but I do really try to as much as possible. Give me one more week and I'll be getting back in touch with everyone soon.

This weekend is all about studying, laundry, and errands. Yeah, I've got another tee time set for tomorrow morning, but that's school related. It's not like I'm enjoying every minute of it =D

Okay, I'm going to try to keep myself on track and study for as long as I can. If, however, you chance to see me at a bar somewhere, don't ask. Just now, the devil made me do it.
posted by Jenni @ 6:48 PM   2 comments

Thursday, July 19, 2007

This was actually requested, since Ching has started posting pictures from their vacation to be able to pull a pic from their current vacation and from their last cruise to see the difference. All in good fun, Ching.

More than 5 years ago...
More than 5 years ago

And now...
And now...

Brian is funny with his Buddha belly. =D Well, to be fair here's a pic of Ray when he was in college, and this is actually what he's is working towards again, but not much further! he's actually made a lot of progress in the past 2 weeks, so kudos, baby!

posted by Jenni @ 6:37 PM   3 comments

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Yeah, that Valley Center boom, they are now saying it was all started by static electricity.

posted by Jenni @ 6:23 PM   0 comments
I'm in the midst of training in my new job and finals week. Everything is hectic. No time! I still have pics to upload from Logan's birthday, but a couple minutes to steal pics from Jen's site, just the ones of me and Logan, and me and Ray, from Logan's birthday party. I'll steal the rest later.

posted by Jenni @ 7:36 AM   4 comments

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Th dilemma regarding advising Company A that I've accepted a different offer was diverted yesterday morning. When I called I got the voicemail. It's a cop-out but I took it. Afterwards I called my golf instructor and requested that instead of attending the 1pm - 3pm Tuesday and Thursday class, I make up the time by coming in on Saturday and playing the course, and paying the regular green fees, of course. He told me that would be okay as long as I still write my paper. Whew!

I cleaned my room at Mom and Dad's house for a bit. I feel really bad because I've been spending so much time cleaning Ray's entire house, and yet I can't keep one room clean. So I tried to tidy up a bit before I had to go to work. Actually found a top I didn't want to wear anymore and gave to Jen. I have several tops in my closet that was one of those "I'm-going-out-tonight-and-need-something-new-to-wear" purchases, and those type of purchases rarely get worn again. Anyway, I'm sure there's more in my closet, somewhere.

After work hung out at Mom's until Ray got off work and I met him at his house. He went to work out and I had a uick nap, then we went out for dinner and drinks. And here is when the fun begins:

We got home after 2am this morning. I had an 8am tee time set for that make-up golf class. I attempted to wake Ray up several times until he finally got up at 7am. For awhile I thought he was going to back out. Anyway, while I was waiting for him to get ready I got laundry started. We played nine holes and I lost 2 golf balls. My game sucked. But Ray and I did have fun.

After golf Ray was sick and not feeling like he'd be able to make it to Logan's party. He stayed home and I headed to Mom's to get ready. By the time I was set to leave Ray called to say he was already on his way to Derby =D That was the best surprise of the day. Ray and I arrived at the bowling alley and it was tons of fun hanging out with the whole family and the kids.




There's no picture of it yet, but we all know Logan got his wii, and his friends went bezerk. One kid was acting like he was going to grab the wii from Logan and of course the rest followed suit. It was cute, Logan was literally backed into a wall, and for a minute I was afraid he would drop the box. I'm glad he liked it though. That's the main goal.

Soon I'll have a chance to upload the pics that I took with my digi cam, but not tonight. Did I not mention I had a full day?

After the party I finished doing the laundry I had started, washed the bedsheets and put them back on, also washed dishes. All that good stuff.

Tomorrow Ray is going to work to catch up his overtime. I will hopefully be writing my final paper, studying for an exam, a final and maybe even work on my final program. All these "finals", you think I would have some sense of relief, but no, not yet.

Monday my new job starts, and no, not nervous. Why would I be? I already know what I'm going to wear. That's the most important part right?

Besides I've got something to look forward to:

BTW, I'm in the middle of reading Utopia. I had an antique version of the book, y'know when an "s" was typed as an "f". Yeah, very confusing, this time I got a much recent version and it's still in old english but much easier read. I'll let you guys know how that works out.
posted by Jenni @ 8:37 PM   1 comments

Friday, July 13, 2007

Happy giving birth day to me, and HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BABY!


Logan got his very own cell phone from Matt and Jen and came over to show it off. Woohoo! Another techie in the making. Loving it!
posted by Jenni @ 3:09 PM   2 comments

Thursday, July 12, 2007

retro18As previously mentioned I've been job searching for a position that will place me in a more tech related field or atleast situate my professional experience in such a way that would make it easier for me to find my niche once I've acquired my degree. I've also already mentioned that I did already receive an offer from one company with one pending interview. That pending interview was today, and today that company offered me a spot as well. It seems the decision is easy, but I'll walk you through my thinking process for fluff purposes before we get to the real problem.

First of Company A is a permanent position, with plenty of benefits, not just health and dental but discounts to their products and a membership to one of the golf clubs up on the north side of town. However, it's a CSR spot, which means I will have the same "no-tie-in-to-tech" job as I've always had, and their paying me much less than what I've already been made accustomed to. The only reason they were in contention was because they do have a web development team that I could see myself transitioning to after receiving my Associates in Software Development.

Company B is a seasonal position, no benefits. But since they are dealing with a software related product, it brings me closer to my field of study. And with a good track record I have a possibility of becomming perm and moving to the more techie side of the company. To add to this - I'm getting paid more than what they told me I would be offered when I first applied.

I've already made my choice. Now for the etiquette side of things. How do I break the news to the other company. I know I should call, but I'm such chicken sh*t, what do I say. Someone give me a tactful way of saying thanks but no thanks, someone meaning Dad.

BTW, I'll be going through a training process and with 2 weeks left of summer semester I thought it would be a tight squeeze, but I've already spoken with my programming instructor and he says he doesn't mind me coming in late. Our class is usually 4pm - 7:15pm Tuesdays and Thursdays so that means I'll be excused for the first hour or so of class. Now I just have to call my golf instructor and see if I can strike a bargain with him.

Either way, Ray already said he's taking me to celebrate this weekend. Yay!
posted by Jenni @ 5:07 PM   1 comments

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Justin and Misty, my "best-love-story-ever-heard" couple from the bridal shower blog in March (click here to refresh your memory and the same couple that chapperoned Becky's bachelorette party (click here.)

Well, they are now the proud Mama and Papa of Kylie Grace Porter. Becky and I spoke over the phone about it briefly last weekend. Becky said Misty was due on the 4th, Kylie arrived on July 7, 2007. 7/7/7! It's like a jackpot, right? 9 pounds 5 ounces and 21.5 inches long, big baby! And so cute!

Pictures to peruse...

Kyle Grace Porter

Kylie Grace Porter and Dad

Kylie Grace Porter

Kylie Grace Porter

So between Becky and Wayne's new house, and Misty and Justin's new baby I most def have to go back to Memphis soon.
posted by Jenni @ 10:04 AM   1 comments
Everyone knows I'm a sucker for pale redheads. This one is like the female version of Mraz. She melts me. Another sing along time.

Almost Lover - A Fine Frenzy

Your fingertips across my skin
The palm trees swaying in the wind
You sang me Spanish lullabies
The sweetest sadness in your eyes
Clever trick

Well, I never want to see you unhappy
I thought you'd want the same for me

Goodbye, my almost lover
Goodbye, my hopeless dream
I'm trying not to think about you
Can't you just let me be?
So long, my luckless romance
My back is turned on you
Should've known you'd bring me heartache
Almost lovers always do

We walked along a crowded street
You took my hand and danced with me
And when you left, you kissed my lips
You told me you would never, never forget
These images

Well, I'd never want to see you unhappy
I thought you'd want the same for me

Goodbye, my almost lover
Goodbye, my hopeless dream
I'm trying not to think about you
Can't you just let me be?
So long, my luckless romance
My back is turned on you
Should've known you'd bring me heartache
Almost lovers always do

I cannot go to the ocean
I cannot drive the streets at night
I cannot wake up in the morning
Without you on my mind
So you're gone and I'm haunted
And I bet you are just fine

Did I make it that
Easy to walk right in and out
Of my life?

Goodbye, my almost lover
Goodbye, my hopeless dream
I'm trying not to think about you
Can't you just let me be?
So long, my luckless romance
My back is turned on you
Should've known you'd bring me heartache
Almost lovers always do
posted by Jenni @ 9:18 AM   0 comments

I predict Brad going back to Aniston in the near future, unless Jolie steps up and gets a little less psycho. It's sexy to be a little crazy when you're young and single, but I think the point of having 4 kids is settling down. At this point Aniston looks a bit more stable and I think that was what Brad was looking for and thought he could have since Jolie had the "instant family" going on. Kids doesn't always equal stable, Brad. Tsk! Tsk!
posted by Jenni @ 9:10 AM   2 comments

Monday, July 09, 2007

Megan Fox and her tattoo shows us all that in every gorgeous woman, there is a hint of crazy.
posted by Jenni @ 4:04 PM   0 comments
I've got three weeks left of this semester, a final program I've yet to start, a final paper on the same track as the latter, and Spanish slowly turning gibberish. I am in a panic. I've accepted a job offer with still another job interview to go. I'm a juggling act trying to keep my composure. My biggest achievement to date. Getting a Nintendo wii for Logan.

You have no idea how stressed I've been over that. It seems trivial to most everyone I've talked to about it. They offered several options as an alternative to the wii. I had to keep explaining, "I promised him a wii, and I'm getting him a wii." Down to the wire I finally caved and had Matt talk to him about what he would want if there were no wii's available. Logan told Matt he'd want an Xbox. Ha! No way, am I getting an Xbox. I thought maybe a PSP, but an Xbox? To add to the Playstation and GameCube he already has?! I'm no gamer but I believe there is no real difference between them. So seriously stressed I literally stood outside the game store at the mall waiting for a shipment that would arrive "either today or tomorrow". Calling Ray about every 30 minutes to update him on my non-progress. Poor, Ray, was at work, but he knows how important it was for me to find one. Finally, around 2:30pm he called to let me know that a store on the west side of town had "a few" left. I hustled my butt over there and got one. I was so elated, and still am I feel like throwing a party. wii!
posted by Jenni @ 3:55 PM   2 comments
My soon to be favorite movie.

posted by Jenni @ 9:22 AM   0 comments
My favorite girl.

posted by Jenni @ 9:21 AM   0 comments

The aerospace industry news. Has been interesting to me since Ray started trying to explain his job to me when we first met.
posted by Jenni @ 9:19 AM   0 comments
Friday night Ray and I finally got to watch and finish watching Evan Almighty. This time we watched from the downtown Warren (the grown up theatre) to prevent the hassle. The movie was hilarious. Even the parts I already saw was still funny.

Saturday, Ray and I spent the day looking for Logan's Nintendo wii. Everyone is out of stock, they all told me to check in during the week, but that they are usually sold out within the hour of getting them in. The optin of buying online is not even available yet, Best Buy has actually posted that due to high demand they're not selling them online at all. Ugh! Ray told me to drive around, so guess what I'm doing all afternoon.

Sunday I cleaned while Ray was at work. Cleaned all three bathrooms, mopped the bathrooms, laundry room and kitchen floors, did dishes, did laundry, vaccuumed, and swept the cobwebs from the patio. Fun stuff. Afterwards went over to Ching's for free clothes. Some stuff are going to other Jen. One skirt particularly Ching and I agreed was more her. I think her style of dressing is more punky, (Ching is more classic, and I'm more glam.)

The punky skirt...

After getting all the free clothes I took Brian and Ching out for dessert and tsismis. We bumped into an old friend, and blah blah blah. Here is me telling something really gossippy I'm sure -


As I blog Eli is bothering me on IM because he's bored. Apparently he's got nothing better to do today except pack since he's leaving to come back to the states tomorrow. All I know is I better get my magnets or I'm kicking his butt all the way back to Europe. But he's right, his weekend was better than mine. Read his blog.

posted by Jenni @ 7:26 AM   2 comments

Sunday, July 08, 2007

I'm sorry, what was the point for all this again? Save the world? Oh, I thought it was just another Al Gore publicity stunt.
posted by Jenni @ 5:34 PM   0 comments

Alright, this man is already creepy without saying a word. Despite everything he's been linked to the strangest is the fact that he actually has a girlfriend.
posted by Jenni @ 5:24 PM   0 comments

Friday, July 06, 2007

So, who was the mom that lent the drunk 11 year old the car?
posted by Jenni @ 4:51 PM   0 comments
It was a fantastic July 4th holiday, and I guess with the weekend here, the holiday is a bit extended.

Ray had to go back to work yesterday and I had classes. I was actually a bit ho-hum for golf since I was trying to stay pretty for Spanish class field trip.

Before Spanish I had Programming class which was a blast. I had a bit of a headache but my classmatge helped me out with these powdered pain killers. They were nasty, even flavored, but they were fast and effective. I took a pic so I'd remember what they were.


We played with the NXT robots, (that I so want one of,) and I got caught up on some homework assignments I had missed. So far, I have straight A's for the semester. This is what I've been aiming for since I desperately needed to get my GPA up from all those semesters that I screwed off at WSU. So, if I finish off my Associates with all A's I should have atleast a 3.6. Atleast that's what I've calculated and I'm never claimed to be that good in math.

Spanish field trip (slash non-mandatory class) met at Playa Azul at Augusta. It was awesome. Great food, nice people, fun times. It was cut short. I wanted to be home when Ray got done working out. He cleaned the backyard patio while I was driving over and when I got there he was already ready to jump in the hot tub. That was really soothing. Being massaged by the jets and watching the left over fireworks from the neighborhood across the street.

This morning I had a mini interview that went unusually well. After which I drove over to Matt and Jen's to visit. Logan got to practice his golf swing on the yard and lost 4 of my golf balls in the process. And, as well, the boy beat me at chess. Bleh. A consolation price - Jen did cook Spam and rice while I was over and fed me. Yummy! And I got to play with Eli too! He is so adorable, I want to bite him! =D Not a mean bite... I wanted to bite Logan when he was a baby too. Actually I still try to bite him, but he bites back, and he bites hard.

A couple pics Jen took while I was visiting -


posted by Jenni @ 2:54 PM   4 comments

Like, is anyone, y'know? Like, surprised, y'know?
posted by Jenni @ 2:40 PM   0 comments

posted by Jenni @ 8:17 AM   0 comments



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