Monday, December 31, 2007
I'm awake WAY to effing early. This has been going on for some time. Since I've been going to bed fairly early as well. This morning was a bit of an exception because I couldn't just go back to sleep. I got 3 text messages around 1:45am from an unknown number. Well, I have the number but no name. Since I just got a new phone there are no numbers in it yet, except the ones I memorized. So I called the number at 4:something a.m. and thought if I could hear the voicemail greeting I can figure it out. No such luck, voicemail greeting was the default recording. So, against my best judgement I get out of bed and actually get my old phone out, transfer SIM cards, and well, still no luck. That number was not in there either. So it could be a random texting, but here's the creepy part. I think that person checks my website, because I got mentions of the "wedding pics." Eerie, right? So, hey, if you're reading this right now, you owe me and you suck! So anyway, this is apparently a person I'm not friends with, because it says "Do you think we will ever be friends?" There's actually a lot of people I'm not friends with lately. You know, because I've been slowly doing inventory of the people I associate myself with and listing some people off as no good. Plus, an ex friend recently tried to contact me online and I sorta ignored her, which I still have no regrets about, I still hate her. Don't worry she deserves it. Then, there's the ex red head that I saw Saturday night. Wow! I should've really started from the beginning.
Okay, so it all starts when I finally got my new toy. Ta da!

My new phone. So excited. I actually spent all of Friday night making configurations on it, and playing, it was the most fun.
Saturday I went to the mall and shopped for my New Year's eve outfit. I splurged! But I can justify all that money spent by saying "It is the hottest outfit I would have ever worn to date." You will have just have to wait for the pictures. I'm so excited! Got home, took a nap, woke up around 6pm and started getting ready.
My friend's band was playing at Liquid at 10:30pm that night, so the plan was to go to the Pumphouse a bit earlier so I can relax in front of the MegaTouch, and then swing by Liquid to see Charlie play, and then bail. When I got to the Pumphouse I saw Garth there. I chilled with him for an hour, played MegaTouch, and texted Charlie to let him know I was already downtown. He tells me he'd been at Liquid setting up since 6pm, which makes me feel like a douche, so I downed my 2nd drink and bailed. Got to Liquid and met Ryan, Ryan, Ryan, Riffle, John and Justin. I kept having to recite that throughout the night because I started getting confused and calling everyone Ryan. Whatever. By the time I had had my fifth drink for the night, an ex walked in. An ex of the red headed kind. Ugh! So, blah, blah, blah, and I went back to Pumphouse to finish the night, I think around the ninth drink I was done.

And hence the massive hangover the following morning. I usually limit myself to two maybe three drinks when I go out so this was hellish to say the least. Got up and forced myself to eat and drink gallons of water. Napped and felt better by the afternoon. Mom decided to have a family dinner, and I had to run to WalMart and buy pork chops, which was a great retreat actually. I spent an hour walking around and whining to Becky about everything I thought was going wrong, everything pretend going wrong, and everything else in between. Becky determined I need to start taking anti-anxiety meds again. Which I think I will. Oh, and there's nothing wrong, I've just had way too much free time, and way too much thinking. Can't wait 'til classes start again.
Anyway, so dinner with the family after Ching and Brian got done with their weekly poker game. Updated my journal and wrote a draft of my New Year's plan. That was it, then I went to bed. I IMed with Eli for a bit since he was online, and then fell asleep, around 10:30ish. Now I'm not sure why sleeping at 10:30ish constitutes waking up at 4am but I guess my body only needs 6 hours of sleep. I will try to keep that in mind. Also considering I didn't have to be at work until 10am, this actually realy blows. So I'm going to try to fall asleep again, especially since I will have a long ass night tonight.
Oh, and I need awesome ideas for things to do tomorrow. You know what you do when the New Year rolls around is what you end up doing for the rest of the year. So I want a to do list of a lot of great things to do. The last thing I want to be doing all of 2008 is being bored, or staying around the house. I want to be productive, creative, and fun!
Ah, I can't work myself up again, have to try to sleep. Dear Past Midnight Texter. Please, no more texts, or atleast text me who you are. Thanks. |
posted by Jenni @ 6:24 AM  |
Friday, December 28, 2007
I love days when I'm dedicated to writing articles. Why? Because I get to put my headphones on and, basically, rock out and forget that I'm at work. I should get a job where all I do is write. Whether it's technical writing or writing for Cosmo. All I want to do is sit at home, at coffe shop, at a park, in a plane or anywhere except between cubicle walls. I'll write, rock out, and email my work. That's the ultimate dream.
Speaking of coffee shops, I'm a bit nostalgic for the days when I would sit at the perk, and do absolutely nothing. Perhaps it's been brought on by my updating my journal (finally after three months) since that's what I use to do while drinking coffee, update my journal and write poems. Or maybe because after a long time of drinking green tea I broke down this morning and actually fixed myself a cup of coffee to go. Either way, I miss those days. Maybe I'll go again, but drink green tea this time.
Last night was not what I had planned but close enough. Before leaving work Jennifer IMed me and requested that instead of her picking Logan up from Mom's that I just drop him off at their house since she was running late. I can't pass that up. One - that guarantees that I get to see Logan, (usually I'm the one getting home late and they are already gone or leaving by the time I get home.) Two - as an added bonus for driving to their house I also get to see Eli. It was a pretty sweet deal. Then Ching and Brian invited me to eat dinner with them at the new Tokyo in Derby. So, technically, I didn't stay home, but I was home early enough to enjoy part of my movies, and now I have enough to last me the weekend.
Tokyo was actually funny. Ching kept asking me to write a review for Foodies, but the way I am, I'm not as interested in the food, I was reviewing the quirks of the people around us. So here is the review:
Arriving at Tokyo, and realizing that my sister had not made reservations, I started making a mental calculations of how long we would be waiting based on how many people were sitting and eating, how far along they were at eating, and how many people were standing around waiting for a table.
As we waited I noticed I really pissy looking hostess. She was short and thick, and had those faces you just immediately want to slap. No clue why. Then beside her, another hostess, this one super tall and super skinny, and her mannerism kinda made you feel like she'd been picked on for most of her life. I couldn't help but watch them really, because as the people piled in at the waiting area their attitudes started really showing. The skinny one kept looking at the seating chart, looking around, looking back at the seating chart and periodically she kept putting her elbows up on the table and burrying her face in her hands. I think she was trying not to make eye contact with the patrons, now growing impatient, and all watching both of them to see who was going to be seated next and when. The pudgy one kept walking from the back of the restaurant and back to the hostess table, and she was carrying this air of importance that you could tell didn't belong to her. I guess, Brian overheard an argument between the two of them on whether to seat people on the empty tables or wait for thsoe that actually made reservations. In the long run, skinny chick won.
When we got seated, Ching started getting really concerned about whether they served sushi or not. I'm not sure why, because she didn't want to order sushi, but she was really concerned. And she also started jotting bits of information about the night, I think for her review. Like she would have a really hard time recollecting the night or the food if she decided to sleep before writing about it. So she sat there looking around for a sushi bar, and jotting things down on an Inspector Gadget looking notepad. And then when the hibachi chef came by, the show really started. Not because he was anything different than all the other hibachi chefs we've seen, but because Ching was really into interacting with him. In a fairly somber table, she was trying to out-joke the guy whose job it was to make jokes. I think this happens because she rarely drinks, and my theory is that your body has to expel weirdness and absurdity. Usually people that drink have an outlet, but with Ching you just get it randomly, whenever her body feels it has to expel these things to make more room.
Either way it was a great meal, but for my money, I still prefer Kobe's.
I told you guys in the previous blog. It doesn't matter what I do. Things happen. I can't have a boring life. Life in itself is entertainment enough.
Anyway, I've got tons to do today. Aside from work, I also have to find time to stop by the bank and get enough cash to last me the weekend. (My debit card broke in half, and I'm still waiting for the replacement.) I also have a check to deposit, so two birds with one stone. My toy arrived in town this morning and was out for delivery by 7:33am this morning. I'm excited but won't have much time to tinker with it since I've made some plans tonight and tomorrow night already. But either way I've got plenty to keep me busy for awhile.
Before I forget, today's Day Resolution - right a to do list for the day, and actually do everything on that list. |
posted by Jenni @ 9:47 AM  |
Thursday, December 27, 2007
There's really not a lot to blog about. I'm just sitting, bored at work. I'm in this new queu that is strictly support for this interface that the company has been trying to sell since it was introduced. Most of the people here at work hate it, I believe mainly because the graphic intense interface makes the software run much slower. As well, most of the clients are well established and set in their ways so they tend to stick to the old interface. So here I sit, supporting every imaginable product but only in this one interface, so the calls have been minimal. (Not to mention most of the clients are probably on holiday.) I could continue writing articles, but I was told I was only dedicated to writing on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. So, I'm going to opt taking it easy today.
I've been consistently checking UPS online to track my brand new toy. I'm very excited. It's my way of bribing myself into my New Year's Resolution. A grown up toy for grown up people. It's my splurge. After this, grown up purchases only. For example, a new timing belt that I really desperately need now, but I'm hoping Goldie (my car) can push through until tax refund time. Only two more months. Right now, I'm just trying to keep the driving to minimal. Basically, I'm not planning on seeing Becky in Memphis anytime soon. But I am going to see if I can swing going to Memphis again in May. We'll see.
I also had this fantastic idea of having Daily Resolutions. Like today, my daily resolution was to relax. I have a couple movies arriving today from NetFlix. Instead of accepting a friend's offer to go out tonight, I'm going to stay in and watch my movies. I'm sure I can watch both tonight and have them ready to send out for tomorrow. That means two more movies by Saturday. I do them two at a time because it's actually the disc set of Felicity. So since I'm only allowed three at a time, I keep the last CD, in case I need to recap of the previous episode before starting the new CD. It's a pretty good system, I think.
Now that I put everything on paper, it seems like I've resolved to have a boring life. Really though, even if I never did anything else for the rest of my life, things just happen. Sometimes for no reason. Take yesterday for example. I was at work busy fixing articles other people had written. I get an IM from a coworker asking if I want to have coffee sometime. Kind of took me by surprise, and I'm still not sure what to think/do about it. Also around evening time I get a text message from a number not in my contact list, and it's a previous coworker saying "Hey everyone this is _ I'm out of jail now and this is my new number." That was a huge surprise, and actually pretty effing hilarious. I didn't hang out with this guy much, nor were we close friends, so I thought I was allowed to laugh. Then I find out that my new Filipino friend is actually my parents friends' son. And that he has given my parents dance instructions already. That was a bit awkward. I told him we couldn't be friends anymore. (I was joking of course.) So that was all in one day, and I didn't even do anything to provoke any of those. Things just happen.
Now tonight, I'm staying in. We'll see what comes my way then. |
posted by Jenni @ 12:48 PM  |
posted by Jenni @ 10:46 AM  |
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
This is Eli on Christmas day. I guess he just really loves Christmas.

Eli left, along with Chuck, this morning for a 3 week vaca in Japan. I'm looking forward to tons of magnets and Badtz Maru stuff. |
posted by Jenni @ 5:43 PM  |
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
This is the first I've heard of Jamie Korey, but I like her style. I should try this for next Christmas.
posted by Jenni @ 3:32 PM  |
Friday, December 21, 2007
* Jennifer wrote this on her blog. She came up to ttalk to me this morning and was snapping all sorts of pics from her phone cam. I should've known she would do this. But still it made me smile and today, smiling has been a real challenge. So I reluctantly am participating in the White Elephant thing here for our department. I was quite bah humbug about it this morning but I promised “someone” I would and well, what the heck… Now I’m glad I did because I know what one I’m going for! Ok, I’ve realized more than EVER today is Friday and it’s four days of for me. Daddy and I have our night tonight thanks to the generosity of Lala and Lolo for watching the boys today. AND to mention again, watching Eli today as well as yesterday. I wish I could send them on a cruise or something because it’s very special they are doing this. Especially with a toddler. . .it’s quite a bit of work to be honest. Thank you two so much. . .I wish we could do more for YOU. I decided to do a paparazzi trip upstairs after visiting Jenni and do some flash photography with my, well, grainy camera phone (which I HOPE to replace sometime in the spring with a model I have me eyeballs on!) Enjoy the pictures and the fun I had. . . MUTLITASKERGIRL overdoes EVERYTHING and crazily spends and wears herself out like a Prada bag!!! Look at this. The next time we read this working-school-mama’s blog and have to subject our feelings and feeling sorry for her about “I’m so tired” or “I’m sooo busy” don’t think twice about offering her pity. . .she brings it on herself and as you can see from the pictures is absolutely, totally, completely, and ecstatically enjoying herself right into hysteria! Here she is, looking weary and claustrophobic having already been at work over three hours from showing up a 6:00 AM!!! What dedication and what happiness!
 Making her list and checking it twice, three times, four times, five times, mumbling under her breath and I hear laughing in the background. Oh! That would be ME!!!!!
 She stands up to put on her coat, stating she needs a break even though she hates to leave wanting desperately to stay and continue enjoying the atmosphere:
 Grabbing her coffee, she wears the look of happiness and enthusiasm for her party-planning duty with pride and honor:
 She deeply contemplates her happiness and and you can easily see she has absolutely no regrets:
 At last we see her Christmas cheer in full bloom. She is the most ecstatic party-planner in the building today. There is no look of frustration on her face. There is no look of regret. She is ultimately enjoying this time of year at work and waits impatiently to do it all over again next year!
 Go party planner. . .GO!!!! This entry was posted on Friday, December 21st, 2007 at 11:45 am and is filed under Random thoughts from Mama.
posted by Jenni @ 12:29 PM  |
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
I've been quite busy and had had no time to blog lately. For the past couple of days I had a girl sitting with me since she just got out of training and doesn't have her desk set up yet. That was actually fun. Thank goodness I got to sit with someone I didn't want to kill after 5 minutes. We actually went to lunch yesterday with a couple more of our coworkers to Ajua. (The Mexican restaurant up the street.) The food there is AMAZING! And I don't even like Mexican food.
Anyway, today I'm editing articles written by other people. I take great care in making sure the solutions I'm writing are the actual best answer for whatever questions I've linked them to, so it completely irks me when I see carelessness or, much worse, complete disinterest in someone's work. I had to take a break, hence the blog.
All in all, though, this week has not been bad. I watched Enchanted on Sunday. It was surprisingly good. I cried. I also got to watch 24th Day which is really intense. Then last night I got to watch XXX: State of the Union and Duets. Those two were from NetFlix. I signed up for the 14 day trial period hoping to watch movies mostly online, but their selection is still pretty small so I think I'll be cancelliing that before my 14 day is up. Kinda sucks, but I still have my website to watch my free online movies at so I'm not all that bummed. Oh, yeah, I've been on a movie kick.
As well, since classes are done for the rest of the year. I'm reading Noli Me Tangere. Or trying to. I don't get a lot of time in between everything else I'm trying to cram into this mini vaca from school but I'm trying really hard.
Anyway, for the rest of the week, my schedule goes as follows:
Wednesday, Dec.19
- Work 8am - 5pm.
- Dinner and drinks with Carla 7:45pm - whenever.
Thursday, Dec. 20
- Work 8am - 5pm.
- Out to the Anchor with Eli and friends 9ish.
Friday, Dec. 21
- Work 8am - 5pm. (Food and Gift Exchange Day.)
- Make last minute gift purchases.
Saturday, Dec. 22
- Surphace and Alien8 show 8pm.
That's all tentative of course, so don't hold me liable for any plans that are changed.
Okay, let me try to go back the frustrating tasks of fixing other people's mistakes. Ugh! |
posted by Jenni @ 10:45 AM  |
Saturday, December 15, 2007
A friend sent this to me which is funny because Ching told me when Smallville first came out that I looked like this girl. I can't believe someone else had that same idea. Anyway, if someone else can morph me into that chick from The Chronicles of Riddick, permanently, that would be a great Christmas present. |
posted by Jenni @ 11:40 AM  |
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Fairytale - Sara Bareilles
Cinderella’s on her bedroom floor she’s got a Crush on the guy at the liquor store Cause Mr. Charming don’t come home anymore and she forgets why she came here.
Sleeping Beauty’s in a foul mood for shame she says None for you dear prince, I’m tired today. I’d rather sleep my whole life away than have you keep me from dreaming
I don’t care for your fairytale You’re so worried 'bout the maiden, Though you know she’s only waiting on the next best thing
Snow White is doing dishes again cause what else can you do With seven itty bitty men? Sends them to bed and she calls up a friend, says will you meet me at midnight.
The tall blonde lets out a cry of despair says Would have cut it myself if I knew men could climb hair I’ll have to find another tower somewhere and keep away from the windows.
CHORUS I don’t care for your fairytale You’re so worried 'bout the maiden, though you know she’s only waiting on the next best thing
Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom, man made up a story Said that I should believe him Go and tell your white knight that he’s handsome in hindsight but I don’t want the next best thing So I sing and hold my head down and I break these walls 'round me Can’t take no more of your fairytale love
I don’t care for your fairytale You’re so worried bout the maiden, though you know she’s used to waiting spent her whole life being graded on the sanctity of patience and a dumb appreciation The story needs some mending and a better happy ending ‘cause I don’t want the next best thing no no I don’t want the next best thing. |
posted by Jenni @ 7:14 PM  |
I've been at work for about an hour and a half now.
Let's recap yesterday:
I called in from work because I wanted to get last minute homework and studying done for the end of semester finals. All done in front of the telly and a laptop beside me on the couch. By 6pm I was ready to take my finals. The class was supposed to start at 7:15pm. Circumstances that still piss me off prevented us from taking the exam until 9:20pm. Regardless, just like any other test, I took it within 10 minutes and left. I am a Wham Bam Ma'am. Called my friend and told her I'd race her to the usual hangout. And that's where I was until 2am.
This morning I woke up with enough time to get ready for work, but I refused to get up until I only had an hour, including the commute, to make it in. During the drive to work, fully aware I would be late coming in, I was still contemplating not coming in at all. My little Jimmy Cricket won the battle after reminding me that I had plenty of work I needed to finish before the weekend and, lest I finish them, they will stare at me again next week. Bleh!
In the elevator were mirrored walls that laughed at the walking mess that I was. I felt like poop, but soon as the elevator door opened at my floor I tried to leave all the poopiness aside - that is part of my job responsibilities. I see a someone right out of the last training class on my way to my desk, I smile and do my usual good-morning-I'm-so-glad-you're-part-of-the-team cheer. She proudly shows me where her new cube is going to be, I stand in awe like it's absolutely nothing like all the other cubes that line this flipping place, make a joke and bid her adieu. Inside I rot with early morning fakeness.
As I boot my computer up I'm bombarded by emails that don't pertain to me. People have gotten bored and were also doing mass forwards of christmas stories, surveys and jokes. This is what happens when you prevent people from MySpacing at work. They will bog your network with worthlessness, and in the process annoy everyone else.
As part of my morning ritual I sent reminder emails (of a baby shower I've organized for a coworker for tomorrow during work), I reorganized secret santa's due to some people that "no longer work here" signing up to participate and no longer be able to, I stared at all the paperwork at my desk and waited for the headache to subside, I walked around for a couple minutes, then I clicked to open the Pandora application put my headphones on and surrendered to the idea of work.
Supposedly I'm the happiest person in my team. I think that is why people are so eager to ask me stupid questions. I've had atleast a dozen thrown at me already. The ones that are sent via email are easier to handle since they can't see me grinding my teeth through the misery that is being their coworker. There's several that can't even be bothered to send an email, or call my extension, they just stop by, or worse, yell my name out and ask if I'm busy. The headphones are on and I'm tempted to just keep typing and pretend I didn't hear a thing, then again that Jimmy Cricket is really good at guilt tripping.
I'm quite pissy this morning and I'm hoping that as soon as I get fed I'll be a notch more chipper. Things being as they are at the moment I wouldn't recommend being within a 25 feet radius. My head/eyes/teeth hurt, my sweater is itchy and too effing warm, and I have to pee. |
posted by Jenni @ 1:29 PM  |
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Here you go, Becky, in case you miss this business:
posted by Jenni @ 8:04 PM  |
Finals suck! Finals suck! Finals suck!
When I got in at work this morning I saw an email that the leads sent out stating that due to the low turn out in attendance due to this miserable weather, there was a possibility that those of us currently working on assignments would be put in the calls queu. Awesome! Then checking on the final grades posted I see that I'm miles away from obtaining my 4.0 semester goal. (Kicking myself in the ass!) So all my hopes are on my last final which is Intermediate Spanish, and pray I still walk out with an A to atleast jack that GPA up a bit. Ugh! So, I walk up to my lead and segway with, "How are the phones this morning?" She said she hadn't checked. I say, "Well, I was hoping to leave early and have tomorrow off." She gives me a panicked look and tells me she'll check the qeue and get back to me. It's been about 10 minutes since, and I'm sure letting an employee go home is not her top priority this morning, but I am on piins and needles waiting.
Truthfully, I'm half tempted to just whip my textbooks out onto my desk. But what a slap in the face for my employers. I'm sure they would not appreciate knowing they have been paying me to sit here and accomplish nothing on their behalf. So I'll sit and wait, and hopefully I can do a bit of work in the meantime.
Man, I really need a drink right about now. |
posted by Jenni @ 12:28 PM  |
Monday, December 10, 2007
I got this certificate last week. A little delayed but everyone has been really busy so I didn't mind. One of the main KB reviewers at work is obsessed with Care Bears. Hence the selected KB mascot. We have several child-at-hearts, like her, here at work that just makes it absolutely hard for everyone else to be miserable coming in everyday. For my next certificate coming up, for reaching the 100 goal, I have already requested glitters. Stay tuned. I should get it mid-week. |
posted by Jenni @ 7:50 PM  |